chicago, IL
Driving Status:
Rookie Team Driver
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Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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I seriously hate when these old grizzled veterans come on here and quickly throw around"trucking is not for you,"simply because we complain about something. Anyone who is trucking is trying to make a living and the last thing anyone needs is some non caring huge bear telling every rookie that the only person suited for trucking is them themselves. This toxic behavior needs to stop.
Trucking is a lifestyle that can be suited to anyone.
I don't think trucking is a good career choice for you at this time. It seems you can't afford to be away from home for weeks at a time. You also, need thicker skin. In trucking if everything goes your way today, it may not tomorrow. You have to be flexible and be able to stand up for yourself. Good luck. I hope your child is ok.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Being a trainee at Prime is an awful experience.
First let me say,
Prime itself is an excellent company. Never seen a company so willing to do things just to make it's employee's a little hapier. The problem is not them, it's the fact that there last phase of training forces you to share a truck with a random owner operator for two months.
It is awful.They don't care about their own health and make no time to do anything for it. I will want to take 45 min to exercise but he doesn't want to make time for that due to the load being due, but then will sit on the phone talking for an hour while doing nothing.
I've informed him numerous times that I can't sleep when the heat is blasting, but he blast it anyway. Then when it's my turn to drive he'll turn off my a/c and make me drive with heat on. So I'm sleepy from being overheated at night and miserable while driving also.
Curses constantly and I hate profanity. Talks to me like a child, even though he drives awful swerving and hitting lines. I rarely do that.
There are so many things, but I'm afraid to get a different trainer because he could be worse, because my psd trainer was worse . He actively TRIED to make me miserable including trying to coerce me into drinking and smoking, neither of which I do.
I'm only two weeks in and im wondering if I have the strength to make it another 2 months will dirty arrogant trucker aholes.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Thanks, you have helpful replies. I'm probably just feeling a little over anxious due to such a life changing career move. The grass is always greener and there is no guarantee Maverick would be better.
I actually think prime has put together a great process, and all of the instructors are very personable. I'm fairly determined to stay at prime for at least a year, more than likely two, then re-evaluate.
Just a little antsy.
Ah. so you just completed orientation, not any sort of training. You have $200 advanced on your Comdata card for food etc.
My last SIM class was on Friday and I met my CDL instructor on Tues. Hang at Ptime East doing pretrips. Meet people at Millenium and ask around.
good luck.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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No I meant permit training. I'm waiting to receive a cdl trainer. I have been engaged and out and about. I wasn't lazy or I wouldn't have done so well in my exams. I do pretrips every day. I am always where people tell me im supposed to be.I understand what you're saying, though.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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So here's the thing. I successfully completed prime's training program and am now waiting for a trainer. I watched as people who were late completing their simulations and failed their permits multiple times receive a trainer almost instantly. I passed everything the first try and was among the first to ace simulations.
I am however, black, while the students snatched up are 100% white. So under there circumstances, it's a little hard not to feel discriminated or preferenced against. Normally I don't feel this way but a bus driver began taking about black people pretty much in my face, and another older white couple began making jokes about black genitalia on the shuttle, again in my face. Then I realized that Missouri might not actually like us. In Walmart they look at me as if they've never seen a black person.
So Maverick is offering me training right now, and God knows I'm tired of sitting in this hotel room not learning how to drive, a few days away from having no meal card. Seems pathetic really.
Should I just go Maverick, or continue to tough it out and hope it gets better?
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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I ship off to Prime today. I have never been so nervous.
Hey, you gotta pay off that free lunch somehow! Lol.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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I ship off to Prime today. I have never been so nervous.
So the grey hound ride was completely the worst thing ever lol. Not doing that again. I'm less homesick than I was a few days ago.
Passed cdl permit test on first try due to the high road program. Did exceptionally will on Sims. Gonna meet company owner Friday and be with instructor in today by Saturday.
Man, moving really quickly. But overall just really grateful
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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I ship off to Prime today. I have never been so nervous.
This forum is awesome, thanks guys! I actually do feel better. Yes I'm currently doing the high road training, it's really good. I got this.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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I ship off to Prime today. I have never been so nervous.
I'm leaving to begin paid CDL training with Prime Inc and I have never been so nervous!
This is a life changing decision.
I will not see anyone I know for a long time, and very sporadically after that. I have a son whos 7 and I love, and he will miss me greatly. What if I get there and something from my application disqualifies me, and then I don't have enough money to get home? What if my blood pressure gets too high from lack of sleep on this huge bus ride with 8 layovers?
This is a decision that has the potential to change my life for the absolute better, but when I look at my bed, I know I will miss it. And the showers. I will be 1000's of miles from home. The truck could break down. Ill be stuck in a truck with some smelly trainer for 3 months. Geez.
Yet I am DETERMINED to make it work. I HAVE TO. Its been too long coming, for me not to succeed.
Someone make me feel better.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Being a trainee at Prime is an awful experience.
Lol. If a mod could delete this thread due to the improper title that's be great. Thanks