Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Have a career and a few more working years I hope. 64 yrs old. Drive about 40000 miles each of the last few years for a variety of long distance reasons.
Trucking? I love to drive and I think I would like the lifestyle. If I lose my current job.... maybe. I do not feel “too old” and I think my head is on straight.
Enjoy the forums very much to understand a little of life as a trucker.
Posted: 4 years, 3 months ago
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Most trucks on the road are being driven safely — for sure. But every now and then, I see what looks like unsafe driving. Specifically: tailgating a 4 wheeler, often in left lane; or driving at 80 mph +.
My question: is there anything I should do? Who to contact?
I am talking about very obvious risky driving.
Also for all truckers: there is a highly dangerous curve on the DC beltway 495 heading westbound at the junction with 270 south. About 1 crash ** every week ** how is this possible that the industry is unaware of this danger. And of course, each crash generates traffic jams sometimes epic traffic jams.
Posted: 4 years, 3 months ago
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Question from a 4 wheeler
All great comments, thank you.
Haha wish there was a way to report unsafe 4 wheeler driving! Especially high speed tailgating, slaloming through traffic or below speed limit in left lane.
Thanks to all !!