Bristol, IN
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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With my youngest in his Senior year of College, I decided to pursue Truck Driving as a career. I'm loving it so far. Except for the texting-non-Yielding Other drivers out there on the roads with me. WOW! But, thanks to some really great training, I'm doing well in the situations that come up.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Off the cuff comments
This topic of conversation, as overheard by you, makes you feel uncomfortable. That's understandable. Your trainer isn't aware, as you say, so use this situation as practice for thickening your skin. You will encounter a myriad of opinions and conversations that will rub you the wrong way, and be offensive. Speaking to your trainer about it doesn't sound like a good idea. Your focus is to learn from him Every Thing you possibly can, about driving. And backing. And sliding tandems. And fueling. And Safety..... Like was mentioned before; if you're too offended or uncomfortable, request a different trainer. Differences of opinions are a given. Try not to let them interfere with your goals for training. Good Luck to you!