Profile For Nordic Nomadic

Nordic Nomadic's Info

  • Location:
    Atlanta, GA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    7 years, 3 months ago

Nordic Nomadic's Bio

Just a southern Norwegian who finally realized he needs to be behind the wheel of a truck and on the open road so he could put money away for the 10 mountain acres where the hand built cabin will be built, the Nordic Tug boat for coastal excursions can be procured, and the 4x4 RV for high-country hunker downs. Oh, and perhaps a wife/lady friend to share it with.

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Posted:  7 years ago

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Old School Responds To Criticisms After Busting The Free Agency Myth

Old School,

All of you here on TT have been nothing less than instrumental in helping me navigate through this new path in trucking. Thank you sir for all you do.


Posted:  7 years ago

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Georgia Driver Academy: CDL School

Sure Reyn, the main reason was I had not chosen a carrier and did not want to rush into a decision that would have left me stuck with said decision for a year (a commitment I am making to myself). In Georgia there's also a work force program for veterans that pays for the schooling up front. This allowed me to get into school and continue researching carriers. Another point, is I have pets and logistically being away for 2 months as opposed to 1 month is much more manageable. Hope this helps.

Interesting that you chose this route to get your CDL rather than going to Melton’s paid training program? Any particular reason? Only if you care to elaborate, I’m just curious.

Posted:  7 years ago

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OTR / LongHaul

Well, I am proud to say I've chosen to start my career with Melton Truck Lines. Orientation begins this Sunday! I look forward to spending at least a year with Melton and hopefully much longer. Looking forward to the lower 48 and Canada!

Posted:  7 years ago

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Georgia Driver Academy: CDL School

Ok, I decided to not report on the school while attending in case they monitored this site and I found discrepancies that could be construed the wrong way. Fortunately, for all of us, I can say that aside from a few areas where they can improve (and who doesn't) GDA is a great school to obtain your CDL.

My instructors were spectacular, the front office administrators stellar professionals and the facilities management personnel always brought a smile to my face. I felt that every employee there understood the mission and brought their hearts into each day. I can usually poke holes in just about any experience or situation but honestly it was easy to focus on the tasks at hand because I didn't have the concerns or worries that can impede learning.

Now, yes, there were a few instances where concerns did arise. This is natural in a learning environment but there was always an honest answer or solution at the other end of it. That's hard to find...anywhere.

I wish I could name these folks but I do not have their blessing to do so, so I will simply say that if you live in Georgia and looking for a quality CDL school I stand behind them and give a solid recommendation.

The entire process was quite efficient. The initial application, the 3 week schooling, the timing of my DDS exam on the most immediate day after completing my 180 hours, to the presentation that very afternoon with my Honor Graduate documentation and final paperwork, it all went almost flawlessly. If you fail or falter, it's really on you. These folks are true professionals and extremely knowledgeable.

If you are watching, Well done GDA! I am a proud graduate.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Georgia Driver Academy: CDL School

Day 1 Started school today!

This initial post will be short but I will post about my experience here and share my perspective. Thus far, communication, application and the personnel here have been nothing short of precise. To a fault I can set almost impractical expectations on myself and others yet I can't point to any flaw with GDA. My advisor and classroom instructor have left me with nothing to question thus far. I assume that as I learn what I don't know I will begin to see cracks that I will want to fill and I guess this is where the rubber meets the road with training schools but again, to their credit, well done.

As a 47 year old I've been around long enough, been burned with empty promises, sold empty pots of gold and seen people and organizations sell their souls to settle a passing moment. Not here. By the book, simple, honest, nice, and focused. In passing, all the other staff has presented a professional attitude and they all seem to be "on page". I see no wasting going on here. As a veteran and a former athlete these are fundamental to success. I feel good about it.

Personally and selfishly, the only real hardship for the day was the "audiobook" sections of the CDL manual, largely because I'm chomping at the a racehorse or a greyhound, or maybe I should say a happy dog who's spotted his favorite stick on a sand bar "out there"...but, word of advice while going through the "theory" section of training if you haven't already secured your light...and stand up frequently during these dissertations which will help you avoid the embarrassment a couple folks in my class experienced after nodding off and thundering deep gasping breath-quakes. You know, the head bobbing and the snatching snore that jerks you out of your one wants to be that person. That wont be me. Us older folk (47yo) only have one box, Positive Example. I hope I can be that.

I'll report back with any worthy news.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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New Career at 50?

Hi Charles, and welcome to the forum.

You'll be happy to know there are many of us here at TT that started at an older age. I started at 47 myself, for similar reasons as you. Several started much older.

I am 47 and entering CDL school next Monday. I am excited to get started. I have been researching for a couple of months and now jumping in. I will hopefully graduate Feb. 17th and be hired on prior to graduation so I can get onto more specific training with the company I decide to go with. I am looking forward to the open road and the unknown that will help shape my decisions along the way. It has brought me comfort to see other folks who are older doing this too, I think it's a healthy dose of experience that can help shape a desperate industry (according to reads) for the better. I encourage you sir, jump in...what's the worst that can happen? You don't like it and return to your other skillset. I hope to hear about your journey. GOOD LUCK!

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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OTR / LongHaul

Can someone point me in the direction of a somewhat exhaustive list of carriers that service the lower 48? I do not want to waste time with regional carriers and it would be nice to just know who the 48er's are and work from this. Thanks everyone!

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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America's Driving Force - Atlanta

Anyone know the status of ADF in Atlanta? Their website is down and the number is disconnected. It looks like they are no longer providing training. Thank you. I am most likely going to Daly's in Buford, GA but had ADF as one of my 3 choices.

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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A Week In The Life Of A Flatbed Driver

I know my reply comes late to this post but it stand out, to this day at least, as a beacon for those who seek respectable work, purposeful work and an opportunity to demonstrate to that environment a genuine desire to be a part of something beyond themselves that provides a service to our nation's needs. As a veteran, I can say because of Old School I have a deeper affirmation of why I am becoming an American Trucker!

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Pet Policy Form Details

I am reading over the pet policy of a carrier I'm considering driving for and the document they would like me to sign is all well and good aside from this arbitrary line that states the following:

"Driver authorizes ****** to deduct the monthly Fuel Non-compliance Fee (currently $150.00, subject to change) if 90-day MPG average falls below 5.75."

Now, my analytical mind says this would have something to do with the idea that frequent stops for the ole companion causes lower fuel efficiencies but it also feels like a bill being passed in congress where they slip these disassociated clauses that end up costing you for no good reason accept to pad their end of things.

Please! Someone give me some insight on this. I am new to the industry.

Thank you.

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