Minneapolis, MN
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Curt S. On The Web
Obtained my Class A CDL February 22nd 2018
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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Moving to another state but need a job first.
Just curious if anyone has moved to another state and how they went about securing a new trucking job before moving to new state
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Moving from Minnesota to Florida
My wife and I are.planning a move to Florida from Minnesota. Would like advice from anyone who has done this before.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Can someone tell me what CB Radios are good and which ones to avoid?
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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Keeping track of miles for verification.
I have been driving now for 6 months. I have applied to a company that needs me to verify that I have driven 50,000 miles. With all of the new things I have been taught with CDL school and then on the job, I have not kept track of my miles. Does my company have a record of how many miles I have driven for them that I can use as verification for my new company?
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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Hi Old School. I went to truck driving school and passed my test through them. I just took my test with a 28 foot pup with a six speed synchronized. My boss told me to skip learning double clutching because they were going to teach me to float.
Thanks old school. π I never learned to double clutch either so Iβm green all the way around.
Sorry Curt, I forgot who you were for a minute there. Now I remember who you are. You started your trucking career in, let's just say, a non traditional way. We always recommend getting some professional training like Paid CDL Training Programs or maybe going to Private Truck Driving School. You ended up having a friend train you, and somehow you passed the driving test without even knowing how to double clutch! Geez, I'm not even sure how to help you now.
I don't even know how in the world your boss got you covered on his insurance, but I hope you are really careful, because if you have an accident you may just kill any chance you have of getting hired anywhere else. I can't recommend your approach, but I hope you somehow figure it out and manage to be safe out there. I know you didn't come in here looking for a sermon, but I'm really just pointing it out so that others reading this don't get the idea that this in ideal way to start your truck driving career.
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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Thanks old school. π I never learned to double clutch either so Iβm green all the way around.
Curt, floating gears is really no different than double clutching as far as the timing and the RPM is concerned.
Here's a tip. Put a little pressure on the shifter with your hand. I'm talking about pressure like you want to take it out of the gear you are currently in. Say you're in 3rd gear, you want to be putting pressure on the shifter just as if you are about to take it out of third and go to fourth. When you get your RPM up where you want it, quickly let off the throttle and the pressure from your hand will cause the transmission to come out of third. Then as your RPM is dropping get a little pressure on the shifter as if you're trying to get it into fourth. When the RPM is correct it will slip right into gear like you're an old pro at this.
The timing is virtually the same as double clutching, only you don't need to use the clutch. You're gonna love it when you get the hang of it.
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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Hi all Hoping for some encouragement. I just started my first driving job. My boss and trainer want me to float a 13 speed. I have had two lessons so far on floating and itβs a hard concept to get used to. Progress is very slow and somewhat intimidating. Is the progress this slow for everyone? Or is it just that Iβm not getting it? Thanks for any input. The good news? I Have.A Job. π but very very green. Getting my CDL was just the beginning. They taught me how to pass my exam, now I have to be taught how to drive
Posted: 7 years ago
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Hi Rob I am going to a local company here in Minnesota. A friend of mine is going to train me. How cool is that? Justman Freightlines is the company
Great job! What's next? Where are you planning on starting your trucking career?
Posted: 7 years ago
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Thanks pj my wife even said she felt my tension roll away when I told her I passed.
Congrats, I remember how nervous I was the night before. Finally got some rest and woke up to it snowing like crazy. I was so relieved when I passed. Sleep well tonight, well deserved
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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Moving to another state but need a job first.
I have. I've been with the same company. On March 1st. Was my 2 year anniversary.