Profile For Bonarro

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Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Rand McNally Intelliroute TND 720 LM and Qaullcom directions.

I heard somewhere that it was possible to enter the quallcom route plan directly into the gps. Anyone have any insight on this ?

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Changed The Login System To Keep You Logged In

Nope !. I still have to logon each time using google chrome.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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So many Swifties


I'll go on a limb here and say most people aren't very thorough with their online researching. If prime is the topic of the month then students will end up being swayed that way. I went with central because they had the least complaints online haha.


I went with Central because they had the shortest training program. I didnt want to spend anymore than 4 weeks with a trainer. shocked.png

I could barely stand ten days with a trainer. Hygiene wasn't his thing.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Where to set the tandems ?

Okay, I'm slowly figuring this thing out. I'm also questioning the money I spent on my schooling since they didn't go over this at all. All they mentioned was the holes and what direction to move them. Anyway, my manual showed me how to access the air suspension display but how am I suppose to know what the numbers mean ? I'm assuming the higher the psi the more weight on my drives. How do I know when I'm over ? I'm in a Volvo if that helps.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Where to set the tandems ?

Sorry guys, I'm not sure what you mean by the 40" inch mark ? On the trailer we have ABCD markings with the notches in between. Clearly my trainer has failed me. Am I to understand that I could still get a fine if I'm under 80k and my weight isn't properly distributed ?

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Scanning software on an Ipad ?

Has anyone ever used the scanning app on an ipad to send in your BOL's ?

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Where to set the tandems ?

I'm totally new to the job and I was wondering if there were some kind of formula to go by as to where the tandems should be placed based on the weight until a guy has time to get on a scale ?

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Trucker GPS Vs Smart Phone Apps

Anyone have any opinions on either ? There are a few options that make the GPS appealing like showing the closet truck stop but is it worth the $350 ? Can you get the same info with a smart phone app ? I'm new to the industry and I'm trying to save $ where I can. I don't mind spending the money if it will make life on the road a little less stressful but saving money also lessens ones stress. Any input will be appreciated.

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.


Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Calming My Nerves (in school)

I knew that I would get a ton of good advice coming here. Per usual, I was freaking my self out for no reason. Me and my truck mates made it downtown and back several times without any major malfunction. Some things I did well and others not so great but I felt that I got better overall. Today was a day of learning, things that I think will make me a better driver. Tonight, I'm putting away the books and videos and heading to the gym to unload my stress. Thanks to everyone for their very helpful responses.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Calming My Nerves (in school)

I'm currently in my second week of driver training in Roehl's Driver Trainer School and my nerves are getting the best of me because I'm still struggling with my shifting. Today we are suppose to head downtown which means heavier traffic, more stoplights, tighter more precise turns, lane changes in traffic. These things wouldn't bother me if I had my shifting skills mastered. How can I be alert to all the things that I need to, to be a safe driver when I'm worried about my shifting ? I consider myself a reasonably smart guy and I have always been able to pick up new things pretty quickly so it's really rocking my confidence that I'm still struggling with my shifting. Granted, I haven't logged more than 8 full hours behind the wheel yet, but others to seem to be picking it up faster than me. I really think I have what it takes to be a good safe driver, I think I'd be a good employee, I'm not at all opposed to working hard. All of this hinges on me getting better at my shifting. We test next Monday and with three people in a truck I will be lucky to log another ten hours or drive time. We still have to practice our backing skills during that time. I'm a bit concerned.

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