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Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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I do have my class a cdl already but it was with this type of setup
The only cmv I have driven before my dmv test was in a bus, so experience is none lol.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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I will be heading to orientation this weekend and I’m nervous about the driving test. I tested before in a 6 speed with a small box trailer. How will that compare to a 10 speed flatbed trailer?
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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I have been been reading a lot of great things on here to help rookie drivers like myself and it’s appreciated! Are there any tips for flatbed drivers (securing faster, learning how to secure different loads, backing, etc)?
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Handling your ladies time on the road...
Pretty old topic but I was also wondering how you lady OTR Driver’s are handling monthly “gifts?”
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Orientation driving test
“Does the company you are applying for DO TRAINING?
With your lack of experience operating a full-sized rig, it would be advisable for you to get into a company that DOES DO SOME TRAINING. Not to scare you off - but there's a HUGE DIFFERENCE in handling a full sized rig - and there's NO SHAME in going through a period of training, to get accustomed to driving one.”
I figured there was a big difference, that’s where my worries were. But yes, they do at least 3 Weeks with a trainer period and then I would have to test out after the training period before getting my own rig