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Company Driver In Training
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New driver, loving it.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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My move from regional to OTR, Rollin with the punches
Im going through training right now, also left a good job because I felt the call of the open road. My personal philosophy is is, just ride it out. Soon we'll be on our own and it will be a different story. Just learn what you can because remember, they do have that all valuable experience.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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So , I had to get this off my chest because, in the interest of job security, ill probably keep my mouth shut. Maybe though some of you can relate or offer advice. In a nutshell, my trainer is not a bad guy overall but this is what ive learned in the first few days.... 1. How to cheat your log book and where to hide your illegal logs. 2. Speed limits are for people who dont want to make any real money 3. If you can see still their tail lights, your not tailgating. 4. Eating only wastes time. 5. Stop signs are also a waste of time. Ive been asured that after training I can run however I want but for the next few weeks, this is my life. He doesn't yell or get excited but you should have heard him laugh when I said; safe, courteous and professional.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Oil Fields, Real Trucking?????
I had that very same issue, here I thought I was getting all this great experience and then came to find out I may as well have been delivering pizzas. I was lucky enough to find a company that would train me even though my CDL was over a year old. The good that come out of it was that I got comfortable in the truck, better at shifting, learned to tune a CB. And whether it counts or not, I was still driving a truck!
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Thanks for the input so far. I figured I would need a refresher. Shouldn't be an issue, I feel I retained 90% of what I learned. When I said I only needed to make enough to get by, I wasn't implying that I was unmotivated. I understand that as a new driver I won't make 50,000 my first year and I'm okay with that. I know I'll be on a schedule but seeing the mountains, desert and oceans through the windshield would be good enough for me. Just got the urge to keep movin' on.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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A few questions. I've had my class A for about a year now. I'm considering looking into TMC or a similar big company. Since I've had my CDL I've only driven an automatic off and on as part of my job in the oil field. Would I still be considered a new driver? Would you recommend a refresher course before attempting to find a driving job? Also, my interest in driving is based mostly on my nomadic spirit. I only need to make enough money to get by and I'm used to being away from home for weeks at a time. The main reason I want to drive is to get paid to see the country. Do you feel that this is the wrong motivation for driving? Thanks for any input.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Crazy trainer woes.
Nice, thanks for all the advice. I think he's starting to realize that im just smiling, nodding and then doing what I want. He's got some good advice so Im just learning what I can and taking the rest in stride. Thanks again for the support, training is a trip for sure.