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Company Driver In Training
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Just a 34 year old guy looking into becoming a truck driver.
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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We went to the other side for a drop and hook, so unfortunately didn't get to see inside.
Ohhhhh you went to carthage caves?? scary at first isnt it? i jist picked up there this week. much easier now tgan it was then. kinda cool seeing it though huh?
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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It's been super busy! We didn't get to leave out till late Monday but we went to Kansas City to pick up a new trailer, them to the caves to pick up a load. We delivered that to California last night and are taking a load to flush that delivers Sat morning. For the most part I'm doing well, just need to work on taking off easier since the Pete likes to have a leg before it roars to life. I'm catching on to most things, just haven't gotten a chance to do a lot of having yet.
My trainer is pretty awesome and usually laid back which makes things nicer.
I did my first full 10 today since this load is time sensitive. Safe travels folks!
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Yet Another Prime Inc. Journal
Welcome and good luck! Others have given you lots of good information, I suggest taking a look at what they posted.
I'm with Prime and currently in TNT phase.
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Mine has the same thing and I'm using the app to track my compliance. So far I've been able to use it most of you night except Tuesday. It was leaking real bad, but they gave me a smaller mask and it has been working fine.
I met my trainer last night and he seems knowledgeable. He has been in trucking for over 20 years and with Prime for 6, a lot of what he says reflects what is said on here. He is lease, but isn't pushy about it. I believe overall we will get along at least enough to get these miles done and for me to learn. He had stuff to do today but hopefully we will leave out this weekend. Be safe folks!
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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I talked to him today, hopefully he will update but he says he is doing good and running hard.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Did my sleep test last night and I have been diagnosed with severe apnea, 77 per hour. This means I have to use the CPAP machine and only got a 3 month DOT card till I can show compliance with using the CPAP. If it helps with better sleep I'm not going to complain.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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The Benefits Of Staying With Your Starter Company Beyond One Year - article by G-Town
Rainy! Can I get a copy? Perwty plllllease? Lol seriously that sounds awesome
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Hello everybody Noobe/Trainee Trucker here with a question?
I just recently went into a training program with Prime, a lot of people on YouTube say not to trust the recruiters but I had no problems with mine. I had some good in employment, provided information and paperwork the recruiter requested, had no issues during orientation. Yes recruiters have a reputation of just getting people in but they serve a purpose of not costing the company money by not bringing in unqualified people. If you are honest and give them all the information I would trust them to help get you in that door. Good luck and keep us updated! Be safe!
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Prime: Let's do this!
Sorry I haven't updated folks! I've been too busy running my butt off. We got 7k miles first week and this week is liking to be 5k, then we are going to his house for a few days. I'm still learning a lot and trying to work a few things out. My backing is super shaky, but we are practicing when possible. I'm getting better at staying in my lane without looking like I'm fighting with the steering wheel, it is trickier than you think but not hard. My main thing is starting and stopping smoothly, this Pete likes to jump.
I'm trying to not only learn the job, but also absorb every bit of info I can from my trainer. He has been in the business for 20 + years and isn't I've of those that complain about everything.
Good luck and be safe folks!