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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. trainer wants to take time off but I'm stuck
Sounds fishy...I am also in the TNT phase with Prime and my trainer is going home for almost 2 weeks during the Christmas / New Years Holiday. Our houses are approximately 900 miles apart from each other all he did was speak with his dispatcher who is going to route us on a load that swings close to my house and he is going to drop me off on his way home. When he is done with his vacation he is going to swing by the house and pick me up.
Also in the past he as paid for his students to stay in hotels when he needed a few days off. I am not sure if he ate the cost or if he was reimbursed by Prime...since he is an owner / operator he may just write it off as a business expense.
Have your husband call and speak with Stan who was one of the guys that ran the training at the Campus Hotel. He should be able to answer the questions you ask without making a federal case out of it if your husband just wants to ride it out quietly. Stan and the rest of the people at Prime made the statement several times that if there were problems in the truck between student and trainer to call them and they would work it out with no penalty to the student up to and including getting them another trainer.
Good luck and Merry Christmas
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Newbie what to take with me while I go to atend classes for prime truck driving school
As stated earlier your recruiter will give you a list of things to bring, my suggestion slim it down a little. I followed my recruiters suggestions and when I showed up at Prime I had way too much stuff. It wasn't bad for the time I was in the hotel but when I got in the truck it was just too much crap. Have the enough weather appropriate clothing to last you about a week and a half. A pair of comfortable shoes (I wear Croc's 99% of the time) and a pair of work type shoes / boots for when you have to get out with a customer. Have about a months supply of toiletries to carry you through your PSD and most of the TNT phase.
Also as mentioned earlier if you are NOT coming to Prime with your CDL Permit BE READY to take the test, they had us take ours on the second day. Those that had it already were sent to the training pad and got to get hands on with the trucks which gave them a little advantage IMO. The study guides here helped a bunch!!
Good idea on having your own pocket $$ before getting here. Prime will LOAN you $200 a week during your PSD phase but they will take it back in $25 chunks until it is repaid. Also, the $600 a week during TNT will have taxes taken out of it so don't count on having a flat $600 a week coming in as it will vary slightly depending on your tax situation.
Most important show up to training with a positive attitude and an open mind. Learn everything you can.....even if it is what not to do!!