Santa Maria, CA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Considering career change......(yes another one)
I feel I have been misunderstood (my fault due to the way I posed my question). I do not want to get into the business solely for the money. I DO know that the business is tough, and keeps you away from home. As I mentioned, my father is an OTR driver. I just fear that the job will not pay the bills I have currently.
The job that I have now is terrible. I tend to come home angry all the time, and I have begun to let my work ethic falter, due to the immense dislike I have for my it. I have always had the idea of driving a truck in the back of my mind, just never had the opportunity to pursue it.
My girlfriend is incredibly supportive, and just wants me to be happy with my work. I do however question my ability to be away from my son for as long as I would have to be. I do not have any hard feelings for my dad being gone, but then again he and my mother divorced when I was very young.
I spoke to a gentleman today that hauls for GAP Clothing Co. He had a BEAUTIFUL rig! I asked him what he thought I should do if I really wanted to drive a truck. He recommended that I look into going to work for SYSCO FOODS (local delivery of food products to restaurants, etc). Hard work, as Brett said, unloading food and such at every stop, but would keep me close to home, and they have good benefits.
Soul searching. That, I think, is what I need to do for a while. I have been told by a coworker to just go for it (driving), and figure out for myself if it is the career for me. I have also been told to stay away as the career will tear apart my family, etc. Grr! Life is a tricky beast.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Considering career change......(yes another one)
Daniel and Brett, Thank you for the responses. I guess i better try a different route, and get my truck fix when I drive through the local ttruck stop. I thank you both for the honest answers. Nice to know that there are people out there that will look out for you.
I may be relocating to Tennessee next year, so cost of living will be much less. Perhaps I can revisit the idea then.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Considering career change......(yes another one)
Honestly. You're not going to make 40k even if you team drive. You'll most likely hit 40K on your second year but definitely not the first year. You'll be between 31-34k.
You have a son and a wife. You'll want to see them every chance you get so I'm assuming you'll want to take your hometime every month. This will make it even more impossible.
It sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders but you won't make 40K that's a fact.
Also, where in CA are you?
Thanks for the response Daniel, I am currently in Santa Maria (Central Coast), about 3 hours north of LA.
31-34k IS a bit of a pay cut. I expected that to be the case right off the bat. I REALLY want to do the trucking thing, with a passion. My only fear is the money. This is most likely the fear for anyone making a career change of course.
I guess I need to get out there and talk to some drivers at the local truck stop here. As I said, I am more than willing to put in hard work (I have at any job I have ever had), but I fear that there is a cap on the wages as a truck driver. I would not be so worried about it if I lived elsewhere in the states, but California is SO damned expensive.
I do not expect truck driving to buy me a mansion and Ferarris to drive around, but I would like to be able to pay my bills and still afford to treat my family to little things. I will pursue talking to drivers as I see them, and find out if this is a feasible career. Any advice is well accepted.
To all you drivers, THANK YOU for what you do!! You men and ladies are the meat and potatoes of our country as I see it.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Considering career change......(yes another one)
Hi all! I will just jump right into it.
I am 29 years old, and must make a career change. As of now I have worked in the pest control industry for about 9 years. I am tired of it. From customers, to bosses, to coming home with fleas and chemical on me. I live in California and make a mediocre wage (about $40k a year) which is JUST BARELY enough to pay my bills.
My father is an OTR driver, has been for 40 years about. I have always had a fascination with 18 wheelers. So after much discussion with my girlfriend, I have opted to consider a truck driving career. I have ONE (maybe 30, but we will focus on the 1) main concern.
If I am to keep my residence in California, I will have to make my same wage in order to survive. I spoke to a recruiter from CR England, and was informed that I would make the $40k as a team driver. I however do not think I am going to do team driving as I do not have any friends interested in the career. My girlfriend has other career goals, and will also be home with our 1 year old son. So I am wondering if this amount of money is even possible as a trucker.
I am very willing to work hard and be professional, and hope to do OTR for as long as I have to, until I can prove myself and hopefully end up doing some regional work down the line (to be home more often).
Thanks all. I love this forum so far.
Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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Considering career change......(yes another one)
Tracey, I think you are right in that it is in my blood. Just this morning I drove out of my way to get a cup of coffee at the local truck stop (which I do quite frequently). I am trying to get by the local truck driving school here in Santa Maria, CA to get some info about the school, and career placement options they may have. My girlfriend has become concerned about me because of my anger toward my current job. I have been truly unhappy at this job for over 5 years now, and it is starting to show in my life away from the job. I think it is IMPERATIVE that I get out of this job, before it ruins me. So I will be doing more research before I take the plunge into driving, but will be keeping tyhe idea alive.......At least for now.