Elberton, GA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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PJ On The Web
Retired police officer from Ca. Relocated to Ga. I was looking for a second career that will give me some new experiences in life. I have 4 amazing daughters and 7 grandkids. A lot of my friends were truck drivers and loved the job, except being away from the family. I figured I would give it a shot and see what happens. I have learned alot about myself, the industry and life in general. I love my new career. My email is pat.jerrold@gmail.com
Posted: 2 days, 8 hours ago
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At this stage I would take whichever one takes the initiative to get you started. Provided pay and benifts are in the same zip code. If one is much lower, that would set off red flags.
Posted: 3 days, 8 hours ago
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know anything about F2F transport out of Chattanooga?
The majority of companies that lease trucks on require you to run under their authority and insurance.
I know jb hunt, scheinder and werner have power only programs where you run under your own authority and insurance. Probably more out there, I just don’t know of them.
Posted: 4 days, 12 hours ago
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Failed Schneider Hair follicle test
I agree with Pete completely.
There is a big difference between a DOT and Pre-Employment drug screen. Often times they are the same test, but other times they are not.
A DOT drug screen is required and any failure or refusal will be reported to the clearinghouse. That puts the driver in a prohibted status until certain requirements are satisfied. Alot of companies only conduct this test on drivers and do not use any other testing for pre-employment.
However, many companies many years ago started a trend of using hair folicle testing for pre-employment purposes in conjunction with the actual DOT drug test. These are perfectly legal and within a companies right to require. If a employee doesn’t wish to do it or fails it, then the company has the right to not hire that person.
Any issues with pre-employment or employment is up to companies if they report it to hire right, the company that supports DAC reports on drivers. That is a voluntary system companies can use, but not required to. It is sort of like a credit report regarding truck drivers.
If a failed or refused pre-employment drug test hits a DAC report that will be there for anyone running an inquiry to see. That will be a big red flag against a driver seeking employment. I’m not real sure how long it will remain there. I have not found much information regarding that, but rest assured it will be several years at least.
Posted: 5 days, 8 hours ago
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That is probably one of the easy ones. Low and strap and go. It will get more difficult for sure. Soak up all the info you can from your trainer. Do they still give you a securement manual??
Posted: 6 days, 2 hours ago
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know anything about F2F transport out of Chattanooga?
I’ve seen some of their equipment around, but never spoke to any of them. Seems they are dry van from what I have seen.
Internet reviews are always a flip the coin scenario I think. The good ones may or may not be true, and the bad ones are usually from folks that couldn’t cut it. They are normally the only ones that have time for social media.
As far as buying a truck goes this is not the time. Rates suck. They have for over 2 years now. Many different reasons have been given, and all the so called experts keep making predications. None of which have come true.
To be successful as an O/O today you must have your own truck, trailer, and CUSTOMERS!!!
Leasing onto a company makes you a company driver in the end. They control how much or little you make. The falsehood you work when you want, is just that a falsehood. You decide to take time off when you want and it is not convient for them. See what happens.
I’ve been there and done that. I did ok, but just ok. They look out for their best interest not yours.
I’ve tried many different things with several companies and in the end it was always the same result. They want to maximize their earnings and if your not doing it the way they want, they cut you loose.
The ones offering to set you up with everything from base plates to insurance are the worst. Reason being is that everything you need to operate your business is in their name. They cut you loose, your out of business and your truck is not legal to be on the road.
The industry is still way over capacity and it is not looking better anytime soon.
Just food for thought!!
Posted: 6 days, 2 hours ago
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Fen without seeing a picture and you stating this is Maverick I’m guessing your pulling a spread axle flatbed. From your description it sounds like your setup is good. Drive as deep into the lane as you can before turning left. That will give more room for the back axle from the curb.
Posted: 6 days, 23 hours ago
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Millis Transfer, passed my CDL test today!!!🥳👍
Congrats!!! But now the real adventure just begins. Stay safe and smart!!!
Posted: 1 week ago
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Congrats Paul. That class is not easy by any means. But probably the most important one.
Roehl has been in the training business for many years. They hand pick instructors, or used to. I’ve been gone from there many years, but they were the ones to give me a great foundation to build on in this industry.
Posted: 1 week, 1 day ago
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Welcome Mark, I know you’ve been at this along time, but as you know sometimes things happen. Based on your description the company will have to report it to DOT. Which is why they came down harsh on you.
This is a horrible time to be looking for a new job because the industry is saturated with experienced drivers due to so many company’s going out of business.
All you can do at this point is use the application tool here or ten street and shoot out your app and hope someone will give you a shot. Persistence will be important. You will most likely have to go with a second chance type company for a bit to get back on the road.
Wishing you the best!!
Posted: 8 hours, 3 minutes ago
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What company new drivers for hazmat/tanker ???
I pulled tankers for about 6 years. I loved it. I also went into it with about 2 1/2 years driving experience. As OS said it is very different from pulling a box.
Any reputable tanker outfit won’t even take your application until you have at least 1 full year driving experience.
Your experience level right now means your getting comfortable and that makes you dangerous. That is not a dig at you, just reality in this industry. Tanker companies know this statistic as well and why they don’t put new drivers on the road. Many of the big ones have even been downsizing the last 2 years because of the economy.
Get at least 1 full year driving experience then you will have more options. Tanker work isn’t going anywhere.