Profile For Chuck

Chuck 's Info

  • Location:
    Fairiview, PA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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    6 years, 9 months ago

Chuck 's Bio

Well now that all the research has been done and questions asked and answered. I am happily able to report that I am going to be starting school on 03/19/18 in Joplin Missouri for CFI. I leave on 03/14/18 to be there before the 16th for drug screens and paperwork. I am excited to begin this next chapter in my career and life. I am so thankful for this site and all that have helped along the way.

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Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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CFI at Crowder College


Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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CFI at Crowder College

Good luck tomorrow. Make that turn I told you about. Did you see my response??

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Working for CFI

Yes I remember that turn very well. My suggestion is to get stopped at the red light so you can start from a stop. It's not to hard since slowing down for that intersection is necessary and the light doesnt stay green too long. Try and hug the white line on the left and enter the intersection going straight essentially and try to get your steer tires past the man hole cover in the road on the left of you just a little. You can see it fine. Once your wheels are slightly passed it cut it hard left and watch your left mirror, you also want to watch the curb just to the right of you where the merge lane is and try to hug that if you can. Once your tractor starts to come straight in the lane go slightly to the right if no cars are merging and you should clear the curb on the left with no problem. I had about a foot of room or so when I did it so its not impossible, we just never practiced it so it's all about the set up. I think I took that turn in 3rd or 4th gear so that I wasn't moving too fast. This way if you have to stop you can. Good luck on the test. You got this.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Working for CFI

I began my training with my finisher this week on Tuesday 5/15. Went out on the road beginning with a load on Wednesday putting in 2000 plus miles this week ending today. Waiting on a load today. May not be until Monday but time to relax so it's all good. I am enjoying my time driving, even with a couple of hiccups nothing major. I am happy to have my CDL and made this career move. I had some issues with my DMV but my state senators office helped me get that fixed. So if anyone else is looking to get into trucking, don't listen to the naysayers and go for it. CFI is a also a good choice. If you have any questions let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. Peace out.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Dealing with the DMV

I have nothing else to say, I think I am done with this site. No one is understanding what I am trying to say and Old school I am not thin skinned you do not even know me. So I will no longer be posting any concerns on this site.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Dealing with the DMV

Chuck, I'm sorry to put it this way. You are acting like a child who can't get his way. You're throwing a temper tantrum.

I read your posts carefully and the Pennsylvania DMV told you what you need to do. You just didn't like what they had to say, so you're wasting your time and energy blowing off steam when you ought to have your butt down there reapplying for another permit.

According to your home state's rules you took too many tries to pass. Put on your Big Boy pants and get this behind you. We all have to play by the rules. Some of us just have some screwball rules we have to deal with. You've wasted a lot of energy on trying to circumvent what they told you. It's not helping you, it's hurting you.

First of all I have gotten a new permit already but that was after I wrote this comment because no one had told me that I needed to do so. I also have done everything that they recommended up to this point. I am not whining either, I thought that if someone else had the same issue then maybe they could give some tips to solve it. Not chastise me and tell me to suck it up as if I am whining. What's the point of having this site for questions and answers if I cannot get them without people telling me that I am whining and not doing anything to try and fix my problem when I have spent the past week on the phone with the employer, school and the DMV. I do not have a problem playing by the rules, but when the rules change each time I speak with someone it is kind of hard to not be frustrated.

So I guess from now on I will just not post any issues on here and keep them to myself since getting any helpful comments is too much for some.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Dealing with the DMV

Yeah well the problem is that the DMV gives me a different answer every time I speak to them so I constantly feel like I am getting the run around each question I ask on what I can do to fix it. No one person can seem to give me a definitive answer on how I can correct this problem and right now I am at a standstill until someone can give me one. I even contacted my state representative to see if they can help since they are an elected official. I also contacted the school but they do not know if they can even test me again since I have passing scores in the system in Missouri so why would I need to retake tests again when I already passed. But of course the PA DMV has to be difficult when it comes to this stuff and claim they do not see any of my scores after 4/11/18 yet will not give me my CDL even though I have carbon copies of my scores. Those are useless according to the DMV yet the school tells me that I would need them when I went to the DMV. So let me say that I do not want to quit but one cannot blame someone feeling like they should. I mean if I cannot tell people my problems with things like this then who can I tell. I seem to get the maybe you don't want to to do this in the first place because there are always going to be issues when trucking. Personally I know that but comments like that are not helpful. Some ideas on how this can be solved would be better than telling me something I already know and understand. I just want to work and get to where I need to so that I can do that.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Dealing with the DMV

So this is a unwanted update to my issue. Apparently neither I or the school realized this at the time when I was there that in PA an individual can only take each segment on the CDL testing exam 3 times before you have to apply for a new permit so all the other testing I did after I passed was pointless. I have to apply for a new PA CDL permit all over again. WHY does this have to happen to me while I am sitting here waiting for people to give me answers from the DMV that really DO NOT give a ratsass about anything. I wasted my time at the DMV on Tuesday when they should have been able to tell me that then instead of making me wait two whole days to just have someone on the phone at the DMV in Harrisburg rudely tell me that I have to reapply all over again. So now all that work and time spent was for nothing. Now I am waiting for CFI to see if there is anything they can do when they talk with the school. I feel like such a FAILURE!!!! I have been doing everything I was told to do up to this point and it has just caused more stress and aggravation when if the correct information would have just been relayed at the time I wouldn't have wasted time sitting here waiting. If there is anytime that someone would just feel like giving up it is NOW!!!

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Dealing with the DMV

So I am enjoying some home time and trying to get some things done before going out with the finisher and hit a snag with the DMV today. So somehow the PA DMV does not have my test scores in there system for some reason. I contacted the school and they confirmed they sent the scores when they were completed, plus each time you test they are sent pass or fail. The school checked with the Missouri DMV and they can even see the test scores they submitted so why is it that the PA DMV cannot see them. I was told that they had scores from the 16th of April but nothing after that. I cannot figure out why they see failed scores but no passing scores. So now I am waiting until Thursday for the DMV to contact me to let me know if the issue is corrected. Nothing like waiting on the DMV to fix their own screw up! So even though I am not to be ready to roll until May 6th this is not something I needed trying to prepare for my road time. Plus they will not let me take my Hazmat test until I actually have a CDL, which I do considering I passed and have carbon copies of my scores but they cannot take those. So trying to take the Hazmat so I can proceed with the fingerprinting and clearances that go along with them cannot be done until this is corrected. I was hoping that when I completed my miles with the finisher and upgraded I could come home to get all my credentials and get back on the road. I thought being proactive is a good thing and yet I am at the mercy of the DMV.....Can anyone say irritating??

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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CFI at Crowder College

Wow, can anyone say Moron?!?! He definitely does not sound like CFI material and I am sure that it will not take long for him to be sent home. Some people just don't belong in this business and makes you wonder why they even bother going into it in the first place. Good luck at Crowder and I would also recommend that you stay away from certain individuals like that as well. But I will tell you that the instructors at the school are not dumb and can pick out problem students usually right away and will make sure that they put them in there place. So if you do what you are supposed to and ask questions when you aren't sure about something you will be fine.

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