Merced, CA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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29 out of California central valley went to school for over 250 hours used to drive water tankers and now wanting to do OTR all endorsements
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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Truck Fleets with automatics transmissions
Watkins & Shepard Are autos Schneider bought them or joined company's they run every type of trailers
What fleet or fleets has primarily or all automatic transmissions? Just finished driving school and have no desire to drive a stick.
So to answer the question, so far we have:
Trans Am
US Express
National Carriers
Maverick Transportation
Car Com family
Raiders Express
Averitt Express
Anyone else have knowledge of companies with Auto transmissions?
Posted: 7 years ago
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Im with the Schneider right now we'll technically I'm with Watkins & Shepard I guess they joined company or something like that but I am training right now in Montana it's 10 days long the way I see it if your afraid of driving in the snow eventually you will have to so why not train in it I was thinking the same way that it might be hard I mean you just have to be more aware and cautious the company that I'm with right now with walk-ins there training is here in Missoula All their Fleet is Autos
I talked to a company named Schneider national they have a refresher program to train inexperienced drivers for 18 days OTR but the cost would be 1,200 my concern it's in Greenbay I live in Texas first thing I think beside cost is that snow country anyone ever been through there program.
Posted: 7 years ago
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DOT Drug Testing: Urinalysis or Hair Follicle?
Ok guys today was day one of my training with shnider but it turns out to be watkins Shepard and when we went to the drug screening they collect hair samples and urine samples and sometimes even blood samples if your urine is elevated or abnormal
Posted: 7 years ago
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DOT Drug Testing: Urinalysis or Hair Follicle?
@ Brett My recruiter at Schneider National told me that they do hair test and not sure how far back they look and I'm not sure about the urine but I'll let you guys know on Monday
Posted: 7 years ago
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@Bolt I had the same problem I applied over 5 different companies and I had to suspended license tickets last year and I talked to swift and to shnider and Warner and swift told me they had to be over a year so u can try them and shnider and werner got me I'm starting on Monday with shnider only because their training is shorter it's 10 days compared to 200 hours or 6 weeks so it's worth a try work with any starter company for a year or however long get your experience and after that they won't even look at ur past it's worth it they need us more than we need them remember you are the one interviewing them so witch one fits and wants you go for it
Posted: 7 years ago
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@Tim F. I was working for this company mainly just agriculture work just watering the fields I had my permit not my license and they let me work for them for about 2 years just driving untill I got pulled over and they saw that my permit was expired so got a non license ticket and had plenty of other tickets in my class c so my license got revoked and just really didn't care and now that I'm older and realized how fortune I was I'm trying to protect it because it will be my money maker so learned my lesson and this time I actually got my license and I saw how hard it was got all endorsements and twic just in case to be a better canadit and how allot of people put time and effort so now I leave all that in the past and trying it again as a new driver and will see how it goes never driven a 53 but not worried just need to get my feet wet for a bit and i did take a course for about 250+ hours so I should be good
Posted: 7 years ago
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Hey guys I've been out of the game for a while about 8 years had to get my license all over again had too many tickets back then being immature and now that I got it I want to do OTR. I applied at a couple places and all companies are about the same so I narrowed it down to the closest one to my home which is about an hour away and towards the end I went with Schneider only because other companies didn't want to pick me up because of my driving record. I have 2 moving violations within the last year and the other companies wouldn't pick me up because of that so Schneider said they would and got set up and everything. They are flying me to Montana the training is for 10 days there was another one in Arizona and that one was for about 2-3 weeks he said so will see how this goes all keep you guys posted any questions also ask me here or on IG cris101v thanks
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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TV service
I just recently installed my 32 in flat screen in my Volvo and as far as TV provider I just bought a hard drive a 1 terabyte and saved all my movies in there for my laptop and then I can just stream from my phone like from Netflix I'll just download the shows are available or movies and stream I'm on my TV but a hard drive comes in handy