Lake lure, NC
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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David K. On The Web
I’m 52, married.. i have one son and one grandson. I work for CSX railroad and I’m an avid competitive handgun shooter. I have enjoy working in a the yard and living in the mountains of WNC.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Judge me however you like, i speak my mind!! I was trucking when most people on this forum was in high school.. maybe earlier. Fact is, i took the railroad job for benefits, not exactly the pay( which I’d good!) but I’ve evolved into the mindset that money isn’t everything!! I’ve rolled in 85,000-100,000 a year since i hired out, but your constantly under the microscope and threatened to be run off for rule violations. I’ll alway be a cow hauler at heart!! It’s a demanding job that most couldn’t do, or wouldn’t do. No sleep, cold nights by yourself loading in god only knows where, kicked, mashed, and knocked down, but it’s a lot of fun sometimes. Try it!! Then get back with me.
Posted: 7 years ago
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I hate to sound sarcastic, but I’ve drunk more coffee than the recruiters have burnt diesel fuel. I think if i leave is he railroad, I’ll just buy another Pete and go back to hauled my cows again.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Once i get the truck rolling, i never touched the clutch again!! 13 overs, 15 overs.. didn’t matter, oh man i forgot, the super trucker recruiters said i didn’t know how to drive anymore... my bad.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Hello all.. my names David and I’m 52. I drove for 18 yrs before going to work for the railroad, I’m now on my 12th yr there. I know to some the railroad would be a dream job( riding the rails so forth) but the reality is it’s far from a dream. Don’t get me wrong, the money is great and so are benefits, but at my age I’ve had two spinal fusions and other ailments.I am seriously thinking about getting back behind the wheel and since I’ve kept my class A’s i thought it would be a breeze jumping back in a big ride.. WRONG. Not I’m not a super trucker or any of that,but I’ve hauled bulls, pulled reefers with the big rides and once drove for big R. I go and talk with companies and it was as if I’ve never drove at all. Sorry, but it’s like riding a bicycle, you don’t forget how to back, shift a 13 over trans. I was treated like a child or rookie( no offense) my years should count for something.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Double clutching
Have you ever owned a truck? Been an O/O? Back in the 90’s i owned a 60,000 truck, performed most of my own maintenance, all those years never changed put a trans or clutch!!