IhateMiami, FL
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Will my DOT medical be denied?
If it doesn't make you answer yes to any of the questions on the DOT questionnaire or create health issues while behind the wheel then why the heck would you even tell them?
I never paid attention much besides remembering a form: "please list any medications you have taken in the last year" or whatever and I dont want to be caught lying
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Will my DOT medical be denied?
Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've used this site! I'm already passed my 4 year mark of having my cdl and still am huffing groceries uphill through the snow and the rain both ways.
I've had a lot change in my life since I was 21, moved 3 separate times across the country each time, but the last change is probably the biggest.
Because I'm 25, every time I've gotten my DOT medical it was a painless "select no on every box" and every medical history free response was blank.
About 3 months ago I finally bit the bullet I've been wanting for over 10 years and got a prescription for estrogen and I'm wondering if, in a years time, they deny people a new card because of that saying horomones are dangerous or something. If you go to one place and they say no to your prescription, can you go to another until you find a doctor who will approve you or is one denial from anyone game over.
I have about 10 months left on mine, and I was kind of freaked out a week ago when one of our drivers said the doctor he was sent to by the company tried to deny him for a medication he was on for the last 9 years and had to go somewhere else to get a 2-year. Thanks!
Probably freaking out over nothing, but I've always been like that.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Paths To Making GOOD money as a truck driver?
Since we're doing this, I've labled each week as a 5 or 6 day. At every week with 5, I could've chosen 6 and that would've increased the gross by 1-1.5k. And even then there were probably opportunities every day to get more hours.
It's a me problem for not wanting to work more, but then again I don't want to work more!
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Paths To Making GOOD money as a truck driver?
I work foodservice
Wouldn't recommend it if you don't know how to maneuver the truck!
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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President’s mandate given earlier today
That quote puts into words my feelings better than I can
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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President’s mandate given earlier today
Never let a "crisis" go to waste as an attempt to grab power
And I thought I could just work go home work go home and what happens happens
Biden's just a senile old man as a puppet imo
Posted: 3 years, 6 months ago
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President’s mandate given earlier today
Something something who would give up a little liberty for security deserves neither
I'm tired of the brainwashed sheep and gaslighting news but what do I do
I just deliver groceries
Posted: 3 years, 6 months ago
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Website ranks carriers by driver pay - Sysco at the top
I have moved out of Miami and am back in the same original region I was at for Sysco.
Right now this is temporary for the whole summer season, and once its over we will go back to 18-2500/wk like normal. (Though working your off day is still DT)
I only work like 65 hours/6days which is amazing for this kind of work where on the 6th day you'd have like 5 hours left and be forced to do whatever to deliver that didn't involve driving a cmv so you'd get 75-80 for the week.
The most I've gotten here was 74 hours and that was due to warehouse waiting, not actual work.
Posted: 3 years, 6 months ago
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Website ranks carriers by driver pay - Sysco at the top
Even with those kind of numbers I still don’t know if I’d be able to do it. Certainly have my respect.
I’m though curious though yuuyo how many stops are you cranking out on that kind of money?
Us foods works you way less than sysco so Im getting like 8-12 a day; most individual stops I've seen are like 14. It's really hard on one route to take more than 10-11 hours to complete it whereas sysco will try to push you past 14 if you don't work like a maniac.
If I see 18 stops then you end up having 3-4 at the same location like 3 times so you really only get like 12.
Posted: 2 years, 6 months ago
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Will my DOT medical be denied?
Well I'll just go off of what you said and not worry about it!