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Posted: 7 years ago
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Its not a Russian name but Ukrainian.. sorry fat fingers and small phone
Posted: 7 years ago
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Oh to Daniel it's a Russian name but Ukrainian... we gonna take Odessa back just wait damn Puitin
Posted: 7 years ago
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Sorry not Russian no sandals do drive a volvo red not white been in the states since 1989 u guys would have no clue if I was next to u where I'm from. Sound like u guys don't like Russians that's cool makes 2 of us. I'm not employed. By reading some of ur post why do u guys think I'm lying. Old skool u pay to much to details might get u in trouble one day but it is good to stay sharp. As to the forum to many haters here... no love... change it up
Posted: 7 years ago
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Was put out of service for section 396.13 for 24 hours. I did not think u could take this to court but lawyer say we can. I've never been in this position I'm not sure of how it works. I got a bunch of miles to kill today I'll check back with u guys later. Be safe out there driver real windy in Wyoming by the way heads up 80 closed to light vichels
Posted: 7 years ago
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They gave me a driver vehicle examination report only. What i got is cup code 392.4a-pos it says " driver on duty and in possession of narcotic drug. Driver presented a zip lock baggie with a marijuana from dash and pipe from pocket" it's the sheet that the boss has to sign with in 15 days. I did not think u could fight those but lawer say u can we gotta bring it to court. Pretty much i think i'm at the mercy of the DEA. It was not much in the bag at all but it was there.
Posted: 7 years ago
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If u guys play nice I'll tell u how it ends. if we get a bunch of clean inspection it will balance the safty score. Safe journeys God bless.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Good morning, I think I realize how stupid that was. I am not joking about them giving it back. I'm getting a lawer to fight it I totally screwed up. I'm 35 never been in any trouble. I never got a personal ticket during that event there just a driver vehicle examination report. That needs to get signed by boss And send back no fines lawer say 50 percent chance he might be able to get reduced to something should have got arrested. If u guys just gonna call me stupid and all that other negative stuff don't reply I'm asking for advice. I realize I screwed up don't need to be told that I'm am defiantly done with pot after this.. gonna be a lot of random drug testing at the company i gotra do pti hit the road
Posted: 7 years ago
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Hello, I got stopped at Nevada scale south bound. I got busted with a little bit of weed and a pipe. I was not drug tested but was giving a driver vehicle examination report.also they gave me my weed and pipe back out me out of service for 24hrs. I'm defiantly gonna quit now sucks I had to get in trouble first. I am gonna fight it talked to a laser already. If anyone has had this happen to them I could use some advice. Pls and thank you
Posted: 7 years ago
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Got cought with weed
Morning Brett I'm self employed. I don't really know how to explain it better.. I'm not to worried I'll figure this out.. what makes u guys so top tier.. u sit there hold a wheel for 11hrs .. Sound difficult not try to be a smart a$$ just saying.. I'm sure if u been on the road for over 5 years u had to have gotten a violation of some sort. I got one for my mud flap flapping in Arizona while back I don't care how pro u are when the truck is moving mud flap gonna flap. Stupid regulations don't help. ive never had speeding tickets or any accidents guess I'm top tier ?? One of my drivers has brand new truck and reefer trailer not even 20k on it brought me violations. Some of these DOT guys are funny it's not always the driver fault in my case it's different I screwed up. I know this. It don't happen often. Would be cool if could post pictures on here that way I could post my company ticket that I got. Just a idea