Profile For Workhorse

Workhorse 's Info

  • Location:
    Ocala, FL

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 12 months ago

Workhorse 's Bio

29 years old and my work history is all over the place. Not afraid of rolling my sleeves up and getting these hands dirty, actually prefer it. Served 4 years in the Marine Corps as a Machinr Gunner, serving on 3 deployments. Been around the world but haven’t seen what my beloved America has to offer. Before time is to late for me I’ve decided to pursue my dream of professional driving.

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Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

I worked as a DOT Contractor for DBI Services in Ocala FL. I was hired on as an herbicide technician but that was title only; I worked primarily as emergency response for I-75 in central Florida. I worked a lot of accidents helping mitigate traffic around the problem. I’ve seen a lot of traffic accidents some fatal and one day decided that even though one more safe professional driver wasn’t going to change the world, it might just save the lives of a family traveling down the boulevard.

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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Update from Workhorse!!

Hello everyone, missed you all. So I've been to school as you all know and passed every test thrown at me in the first try! I completed my final testing as a 1 & Done!!! I've been hired by US Xpress and am currently home waiting on a trainer. It's been 3 weeks since I graduated and as you may know have had a lot to do. I've watched over 50 safety videos and completed about as many small quizzes. I signed up as an OTR Solo Driver so that I can gain the most experience in every climb and place. My girlfriend left me while I was in school but I'm not going to let that get me down as I'm looking at it as she didn't want to be a part of this great and exciting new chapter in my life. My family has really stepped up for me in these times and they're as excited as I am for me to begin my training and upgrade to my very own truck. I wanted to take a moment real quick and thank you all for the encouraging words, comfort, and advice that you all have given to me and to all the others that visit your website. Also, keep up the good work and I promise to drop in and update you all as I go. Thanks again to my new trucking family. "Workhorse"

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Chuck Norris Jokes You've Heard

Chuck Norris solved Bermuda’s Triangle by using pathagorean theorem.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Update to my training.

Haven’t met a jimmy or Henry here Susan D. Been studying pre-trip, and backing skills. First day out on the yard went through all three straight, cross, and parallel. No problems there just listened and done as I was told. Getting pre-trip down pretty well. Went out on the road yesterday for about 70 miles some minor issues turning but usual for my first day out. I’m nervous but having fun. Still a lot to do and learn but am highly motivated to get it done and done well. Sorry if this is short and sporadic but I’m using my break to write back to you all. Hope you all are safe out there and hope to see you out on the road soon.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Update to my training.

Hello all, I’ve had a great first week here at training in Elizabethtown Kentucky. I passed my CDL permit test on the first try. Tomorrow starts my second week, I will start performing pretrip inspections and doing my backing skills. Looking forward to it!! My class started with 10 and now we’re down to 6. It’s not easy but I’m having a great time. I look forward to meeting you all on the road very soon. Stay safe out there and I will keep you posted each week as I progress. My permit consisted of general knowledge, combinations, and air brakes. No endorsements.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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Want my cdl

I would fill out the applications first, Do include everything. This way if you are contacted by a recruiter it could mean that they are willing to work with you. Again though, most carriers if not all will want a completed substance abuse program before they even offer their program so that would be the first thing you should do before applying. just my opinion and I could be mistaken so hopefully the others can help me out.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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Want my cdl

Hey Charles, Good luck to you. The advice that you're getting from these folks is excellent and on par with what you are going to encounter. Most companies are going to require 2 things when it comes to drug use 1. Time 2. Substance Abuse Program (SAP). I don't have a record for drug use but I do have 1 failed test that I report to carriers I apply to, me having a completed SAP certificate is what got me a pre-hire letter and training within the company. I recommend that you look into approved SAP Programs. I have written about such programs in my past so just look for my name (Workhorse) and read up.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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WorkHorse Update...Looking hopeful!!!

UPDATE: I have received my pre-hire letter from USX and am slated to start April 16.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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WorkHorse Update...Looking hopeful!!!

Sure thing G-Town For my situation being a veteran I had some better resources at my disposal. First thing is to find an SAP accredited counselor, the web is a good tool to use but I would recommend talking with the carrier and seeing if they have any they would recommend; you're going to be honest with them and they will know so if they'll help you find a program that's a good sign. For me I went to my local VA and they pointed me to my local American Legion who did have an SAP Counselor (luck). After you've found a counselor you will talk with them about such things as frequency of use, reason for use, just know that it is essentially a therapist and drug counseling appointment. you will discuss ways to get clean, coping techniques and other personal things where at the end of the initial meeting a recommendation will be made. Now they may recommend that you meet with them again for several weeks to ensure that you are sticking with the program, at the end you will receive a certificate that you must keep to verify that you completed the course. you will not receive the certificate or recommendation letter until you have completed the program. That's it in a nutshell and the programs do vary.

I will say don't lie about anything and don't try to cover up anything, they've been doing this for a while and have seen and heard all there is. Drug screenings are used throughout the process. For me, I assumed at a party that a vape pen was filled with nicotine juice but it wasn't. It was the one and only time that I had used a drug that wasn't prescribed to me and I suffered the consequences of hiding that truth with my employer. I performed 2 drug screens once at the start and the other at the end, I was clean both times which helped them determine that I just had a rough patch of rotten luck. It's not something to take lightly and I will say that if you're a serious drug user and you think that you can do this and get under the radar to be paid to use DO NOT ATTEMPT!! This is what they're looking out for, those liars who just want a job without giving up their awful lifestyle. If this is you then don't apply there is no place for you behind the wheel.

Hope this helps if anyone else has anything to add or contribute feel free to do so.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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WorkHorse Update...Looking hopeful!!!

USX is okay with the failed drug screen? The one you informed us of in your initial post?

The reason I ask; they are not typically known as a second chance company.

Yes G-town they know and we’re glad to see that I had already done the counseling required. I had to talk with their safety department and they informed me that they had spoken with my employer and they were told a lot of great things that made them feel I was worth the chance. Thanks again everyone for the words of advice and encouragement.

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