Winter Haven , FL
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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Yea. I’m doing it without the school.
I passed his morning, I’m going to work for a towing service locally. I’ll be training in the truck for the first few weeks before going alone.
This guy acts like he just wants you to enroll in the school and spend 6k or they won’t pass you.
Okay, are you trying to get your CDL without going through a school? If so, how are you planning to use your new license?
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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He said they make everyone do it so that in the future if you carry hazmat you know what to do.
I’ll retest in the morning but I’m going to a different testing site. This guy acts like he just wants you to enroll in the school and spend 6k or they won’t pass you. It’s a little overboard if you ask me.
I am just confused as to why you would have to do this on a road test for a regular CDL. When I tested I had to do an emergency stop but not a Hazmat crossing. This is very strange to me especially the questions about the outage. Best of luck on your retest. Let us know how it goes.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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I took my cdl roadtest last week. The instructor failed me because he said I didn’t explain everything you do at a hazmat crossing.
* turn 4 ways on about 200 feet before the crossing
* stop 50 feet before the crossing
* both windows down to listen for train
* look both ways for train
* crossing the track with both hands on the wheel without shifting
* mirror check once my trailer has crossed the track
He mentioned something about checking for an outage and that I didn’t explain that I would do that. I’m lost as to what he expected there.
Any state certified testers that can help? I retest Tuesday morning at 9am. I’ve passed everything but the road test
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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