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Posted: 2 months ago
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All of our COH runs are solid. Much better than IND meets. I wonder if you meet a COH driver in London? We have a lot of COH meets in SMI / Pa that hands off trailers to CHI drivers.
Posted: 2 months ago
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Hey Bob - picking up for you at all yet? I poke around here every once in a blue moon, usually when my hazmat endorsement is about to expire every couple years to use the training materials for the test. Been with OD for about 11 years. While I'm on here briefly I'll check to see if anybody from OD has posted recently.
We were pretty slow starting before the holidays. Lots of runs heading west to meet Indy were being canceled on a weekly basis - 2-3 times a week at the worst of it. Seems like now we're up and running again though. Morristown was canceling a lot of our runs too.
That sucks getting your run yanked from corporate...it happens. Happened to me about 7 years ago, but I was able to grab a new run they posted for a couple months until rebid.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
Blast from the past! How yah been Six String?
Great to see you're still around helping people out G-Town! I see Old School is still helping new drivers out too. That's awesome to see.
I've been well. Hope the same w/ you! Are you still driving distribution for Wal-Mart? And were you always based out of DE? We hit the DE beaches almost every year for vacation.
Wish there was a way to pm members on the forum. I'm hoping Daniel checks the site so he can see I didn't forget about him.
Howdy, Six String!
I was mostly a 'reader' back in your day; pretty sure I've read every. single. post. of yours!!!
I gave Daniel a FB shout. . . . hope it works!! I sure hope you'll stick around, this time. You've done so much to help the folks in here, back in the 'days'.... MUCH APPRECIATED!
~ Anne ~
Howdy back Anne! Thank you for the kind words and the fb message to Daniel. I don't go on fb and I don't have Daniel's number anymore, so that's very helpful of you.
Good to hear from you again sir. Send me an email and I'll message you my number so we can catch up.
Message sent
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
Blast from the past! How yah been Six String?
Great to see you're still around helping people out G-Town! I see Old School is still helping new drivers out too. That's awesome to see.
I've been well. Hope the same w/ you! Are you still driving distribution for Wal-Mart? And were you always based out of DE? We hit the DE beaches almost every year for vacation.
Wish there was a way to pm members on the forum. I'm hoping Daniel checks the site so he can see I didn't forget about him.
Howdy, Six String!
I was mostly a 'reader' back in your day; pretty sure I've read every. single. post. of yours!!!
I gave Daniel a FB shout. . . . hope it works!! I sure hope you'll stick around, this time. You've done so much to help the folks in here, back in the 'days'.... MUCH APPRECIATED!
~ Anne ~
Howdy back Anne! Thank you for the kind words and the fb message to Daniel. I don't go on fb and I don't have Daniel's number anymore, so that's very helpful of you.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
Blast from the past! How yah been Six String?
Great to see you're still around helping people out G-Town! I see Old School is still helping new drivers out too. That's awesome to see.
I've been well. Hope the same w/ you! Are you still driving distribution for Wal-Mart? And were you always based out of DE? We hit the DE beaches almost every year for vacation.
Wish there was a way to pm members on the forum. I'm hoping Daniel checks the site so he can see I didn't forget about him.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
Yep I'm out of CWS, I used to do that LON meet with the COH driver then I lost that run. They ended shorting that run so we could pass through CHI I did that run most of last year. Now I have a 09:00 meet with an MRT driver in Indiana.
That roof collapsed in Chicago the dock was built in the late 20s and couldn't take it any more. They split the Chicago drivers among the 4 other area terminals for 2 months.
0900 meet is pretty sweet! congrats on a great start time. i heard that CWS has a decent amount of daylight runs that drivers can get w/o too much seniority. at HAR we have a good bit of opportunities for linehaul to run daylight as well, but usually your first daylight run will be running wild or having a schedule w/ odd days off. there's a good chance i know who you were meeting out of COH. i won't put their names out here for privacy sake, but i know a lot of COH drivers. most of my runs so far have been meeting COH, MRT, or SBN drivers.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
I'm coming up on 8 years myself this month. Time sure flies.
8 years? You should have one of them gravy runs by now.
Yep, I've got banker's hours for this summer's run lol. I remember just starting and not being able to even bid on a run - had to bag out in the northeast and pay my dues like everybody else. I don't even think they make you bag anymore as a new driver.
You run out of CWS? I remember one of the Chicago terminals having their roof cave in from snow not long ago, can't remember if that was two winters ago. I used to get CWS freight from a COH driver that met a CWS driver in London, OH.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
Glad to see you're still with OD man! Been quite a few years since I peeked in the forum here and was curious if I'd still see some familiar faces. I see you've been doing well for yourself there at SAC. I think of you from time to time when I talk to our team drivers that have SAC runs from HAR. I'm coming up on 8 years myself this month. Time sure flies.
Where the "blank" have you been????
Lol. Out and about, same old same old, running linehaul for OD and raising a family. They keep the lights on for us... Nice to see some old faces around here. Hope you've been well. I remember you :)
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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2022 Truck Driving Championship
Glad to see you're still with OD man! Been quite a few years since I peeked in the forum here and was curious if I'd still see some familiar faces. I see you've been doing well for yourself there at SAC. I think of you from time to time when I talk to our team drivers that have SAC runs from HAR. I'm coming up on 8 years myself this month. Time sure flies.
Posted: 2 months ago
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My run was cut
Yep. I remember when they shortened those. Good chance I know the COH driver you meet. I've met lots of COH drivers over the years and have had a couple SMI runs where I meet COH drivers who met CHI drivers.