Hey Rainy D. I just finished reading this thread and wanted to thank you (and the commenters) for taking the time to write such informative posts. I'm considering getting into this industry in the coming summer or fall, and this website has been a wealth of information. The signal/noise ratio (or info/BS ratio if you will) here on truckingtruth is excellent.
I had one question though, how much do you think "employment gaps" factor into acceptance into company sponsored CDL programs? I've been off work for four years (my wife is very passionate about her career) to look after my autistic step-son. He's getting older and more independent and self-managing, such that I can re-enter the work-force. However a lot of blue-collar jobs I've worked look at you like you're possessed if you tell them you've voluntarily spent unpaid time away from work. Any thoughts on this? Big deal? Or am I just worrying about nothing?
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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My Prime PSD experience
Hey Rainy D. I just finished reading this thread and wanted to thank you (and the commenters) for taking the time to write such informative posts. I'm considering getting into this industry in the coming summer or fall, and this website has been a wealth of information. The signal/noise ratio (or info/BS ratio if you will) here on truckingtruth is excellent.
I had one question though, how much do you think "employment gaps" factor into acceptance into company sponsored CDL programs? I've been off work for four years (my wife is very passionate about her career) to look after my autistic step-son. He's getting older and more independent and self-managing, such that I can re-enter the work-force. However a lot of blue-collar jobs I've worked look at you like you're possessed if you tell them you've voluntarily spent unpaid time away from work. Any thoughts on this? Big deal? Or am I just worrying about nothing?