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Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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Hi my name is Robert and I have a question I had been working for a company that required me to have my class A CDL to haul all the way around and materials around on a trailer I no longer work for this company anymore and I was wondering if I start smoking weed again what happens to my class A CDL and what if I don't use my class A CDL no more what are the effects that medical marijuana will not disrupt my class A CDL if I ever decide to get another job driving
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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Weed and a CDL
But as of right now since I'm not driveing any type of motor vehicle that requires my CDL and I am not working for a company anymore that requires a CDL what I'm asking is if I do decide to smoke weed will the state be able to make me take a UA and if I'm not driving using my CDL or for a company will I loose my CDL license.
I do understand that I need to be clean of drugs and alcohol when I drive a commercial vehicle that requires a CDL and I am aware of what can happen if drugs or alcohol are found in your system while driving a commercial vehicle that requires a CDL