Profile For Cindy L.

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    6 years, 10 months ago

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Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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DAC report says "authorized location with notice" or "without notice"

Hi Everyone: I was trying to apply to a company and when I spoke to the recruiter who said i was denied because my DAC report says "authorized location without notice". But when I called Hireright they said it states "with notice". Do both statements mean the same thing? The recruiter told me it means I abandoned my truck or that I went to a location without permission from the trucking company. I contacted my old employer and they said they did not report it. So it must be from a trucking company I tried for 3 days. They didn't give me any paperwork after working there for 2 days; they kept changing their stories on me and the trucker they had training me had a huge temper and told me he would deny everything I told them. I just didn't trust it so I texted them and told them I was not going to work for them any longer because I didn't trust their company. Now I think they are the ones who did this, however, the recruiter told me that it is coming from my older company that I worked with for a year and a half. I was wondering if any of you could tell me what to do. I am stuck without a good paying job until I can get this resolved and I hope I can get it resolved.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Afraid I might not get paid.

To Packrat, I don't think they did, because they started me the next day after I went in to get the drug test. I thought it was strange that it didn't take any longer than that to get the results.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Afraid I might not get paid.

I have been over the road with my husband for 1 1/2 years. So I have the experience over the road--all 48 states. We drove most of them and Canada.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Afraid I might not get paid.

So I am not going over the road for now and trying a local trucking company. I have worked 2 days and they still haven't had me sign any kind of paperwork. They are also vague, by saying it would take such and such hours and they would pay me X amount of dollars. But when I go in the 'hours' they were talking about have stretched out to more hours than they said. Also they met me, before I started working, saying they wanted to have me sign some paperwork but when we met, they said we would sign the paperwork later. I don't think I will go back to them. Has anyone had any problems like this or know what could be going on with this?

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Highway 87 & 260 from Tempe AZ to Holbrook AZ

Hello Everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows what highway 87 & 260 from Tempe to Holbrook AZ is? I am specifically looking at railings on drop offs and how close the drop off is to the road. Mostly because I am a little scared of heights. Also would like to know how busy it is at night, curves, and are there places to pull over?

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