Profile For Rekcurt9291 R.

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Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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Need an advice. New cdl a.

What's the job? Local? Company equipment? Hauling only, or additionally loading and unloading?

I would not drive for such a low amount. New drivers can make more than that driving regional, OTR, or local in a Class 7 or Class 8.

Local. Im from Hawaii. I load and unload. This company i work has a contract with this rental company and we do the hauling. Those guys from same cdl class said they started 18 while getting trained. They drive tractor trailer pulling containers for food industries.

Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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Need an advice. New cdl a.

My frustration continues... I recently got my cdl A license 2 months ago. I started with this company a month ago. I am driving ram4500 gvwr 16500lbs and with a trailer 15500 lbs gvwr. I am transporting equipments up to 8000lbs. Am i using my Cdl to this job and getting paid 13 an hour. Do you think that this is fair?

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Got my CDL A. Auto or manual truck job?

Congratulations on obtaining your CDL!

I would not be concerned on the type of transmission, but more so on finding a job that fits your needs, as well as a place that will hire you as a new driver.

Thank you. If ever i will get an auto transmission job. What if few years later i decided to find better paying company. Wouldn't be harder for me to get job because i still have no exprience on manuals? Lots of companies looking for drivers that experienced in manual transmission.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Got my CDL A. Auto or manual truck job?

Got my CDL A without restrictions few weeks ago. Now i am on job hunting. Is it wise to go for company with automatic trucks?

Posted:  5 years, 11 months ago

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Double clutch struggling in lower gears 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th!

Might check to see if the engine brake is on.

In general the rule of thumb is out at 1500 and in around 1100 when up shifting. Opposite when down shifting.

It sounds like you have a timing issue. Listen to the Adam's family theme song. The snaps are almost a perfect timing for double clutching. Get a plunger next to a chair and pretend it is the stick. Then you can practice your timing with your left leg.

Most importantly take a breather and relax.

Another trick is to listen next time you're in the truck. What does it sound like when the instructor shifts. I have found a lot of my students were able to shift better when they started going by sound instead of watching the rpms.

Best of luck.

I will be checking the engine brake if its on next time.

If im shifting around 1100 rpm everythings is okay. and if shifting 1500rpm have to release the clutch veryvery slowly(sometimes wait for the truck to slowdown a little) to be smooth or else if i release it too soon i can hear the engine sound high rpm and the truck will slow down . I can get in to gears smoothly. the issue starts when letting go of the clutch. do you think i still have timing issues? When instructor shifts RPMs sounds low doesnt go high like 1500. When listening engine sound shifting at 1500rpm doesnt sound right.


Posted:  5 years, 11 months ago

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Double clutch struggling in lower gears 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th!

My instructor telling me to shift at 1500rpm for 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th gears, but when i try to release my clutch, i have to be really slow letting it go completely , like wait about 2 seconds(like about taking off from 2nd gear, we always start on 2nd gear when come to a complete stop). or if i let go of the clutch to soon the engine will sound like i am(downshifting & sound like engine breaking)

Is my RPM shifting is too high? or the problem is just in me. and i dont think he ever shift on 1500rpm on low gears.

He even told me to find someone with a manual transmission car and practice to it whenever im off from training. ' Does it really help practicing on a car?

I really feel down and frustrated right now.

Thank You for reading.!

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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CDL training program FAIL! the Instructor quit the job HELP

I have a cdl b with restriction J, cant drive manual trucks. I took this class to take out restriction and to be able to drive tractor trailers but this situation happened.

Cost:3000$ Duration: 6 weeks(august to september) <40 hours- pretrip <20 hours- simulator /basic operation- ( 3 students: 1.33 hours/day for 5 days, the rest of the time watching other students ) *Total hands on time= 6.5 hours <20 hours- parking skills- ( 3 students: 1.33 hours/day for 5 days, the rest of the time watching other students ) *Total hands on time= 6.5 hours <40 hours- roadskill - (4 students: less than 1 hour/day for 10 days, rest of the time riding with the other students) *total hands on driving time = less than 10 hours ) instructor takes a long smokebreaks. haha

CDL Road test wait = 3 Months (Last week of november)

A week before scheduled road test the Instructor quit the job.No instructor, No road test.

2nd week of December . i got an email from them, they gave me 3 option.

1. Wait for our CDL Program to resume training - no estimated time frame(The proccess might take about 6 months) 2. Referral to a Company . They may be able to assist with employment, if qualified, as well as testing.

3. A refund for the CDL Road Skills - Testing in the amount of $565 plus $50 for the cancelled CDL test for a total of $615.

I am unemployed since i took the class. what do you guys think?

option 1- by the time they have a new instructor. i'll forget how to drive and the feel to drive the tractor trailer. option 2- the company referal, That company they were telling me to go will have 10% driving and the rest labor. option 3- going to spend 3,000$ again to another training program?

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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Air Brakes Test When Upgrading From Class B To Class A

I have CDL B with airbrakes upgrading to A. Am i going to perform airbrake test again? such as 1.Applied Pressure Test 2.Warning Light and Buzzer 3.Tractor/Trailer Protection Valve Pop Out? or just we will just do skill test and road test?

And what will happen to my CDL B when i fail to upgrade it? will i lose it?

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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Upgrading my CDL B to CDL A ?

I got my CDL B with restriction automatic transmission from a motorcoach tour company. And after the contract i had with them, i left. I'm Currently unemployed. Now I am planning to go to CDL school to remove restriction. I dont even know how to drive standad transmission in a regular vehicle, about 3 years ago i tried to learn for about an hour but never had a chance again after that. Do CDL schools accept this situation?

And these are my question: 1. Should i go CDL B or CDL A? 2. Is there any type of transmission that i should assure to learn in the cdl school? 3. Will the cdl school accompany me to road test? and do they provide the vehicle for testing? 4. What if i fail the first time? Do i need to pay the whole course/training again ? 5. What if i fail to upgrade my CDL ? can i go back to my default class B or i will lose it?

Please help me. I need some advice.

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