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Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
Can you guys do me a favor and not hijack my thread? Take your discussions about the millennial generation elsewhere.
All I'm looking for is help to get hired. I'm a good person and ready to pledge loyalty to the company that will hire me. I know I don't have anything to prove for it other than my word, but we are all men here, and when men give their word, it should mean something. I have a clean driving record, no past DUI's, no accidents, no criminal charges, no drugs, nothing. My only issue is I never held on a job really long enough because I didn't know what I wanted to do in life. I know what I want to do now, and that's trucking.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
Yea I tried to get on with prime and their recruiters are *******s one of the managers hung up on me.
So if I was diagnosed with cancer and spent two years in therapy how am I supposed to tell employers this without being rejected? I mean do people understand that sometimes you're unable to work? I have medical records to prove this. I just feel the guy at Prime completely blew me off without even working with me. Our conversation didn't even last 2 minutes.
Who did you end up working with?
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
So what is the truth? You were out of the country to be near family, or you've been being treated for cancer? I think it's becoming obvious why your conversation with a recruiter was cut short. Also, honesty is a big deal in the application process. Be straight up and forthcoming with information. Anything false is sure to come back and bite you.
Both are true. I left the US to be closer to my relatives & was diagnosed while I was over seas. While being treated I couldn't return & was pretty much locked in for the remainder of my therapy. I don't feel comfortable sharing this kind of information, even on a forum.
Look, I'm committed to get into trucking. One way or another I'll get in. Maybe I shouldn't have voiced my frustration in the forums here. I'll figure something out. Last job I held was in 2014 & before that in 2013 I worked as temporary road crew for the local town. I can probably whip up a reference from them if I need to.
Sorry guys I don't mean to have a bad attitude. I just want to get in a truck and move on with my life.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
So if I was diagnosed with cancer and spent two years in therapy how am I supposed to tell employers this without being rejected? I mean do people understand that sometimes you're unable to work? I have medical records to prove this. I just feel the guy at Prime completely blew me off without even working with me. Our conversation didn't even last 2 minutes.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
I did answer your question, just not what you wanted to hear:
All carriers want a work history before they invest thousands in training you and taking on 100% of the liability in the process.
You have been out of the country for three years. They want to know what you were doing, documented...etc., before they hand you the keys to 80,000lbs of rolling thunder.
Referring to Prime's policy of prequalfying drivers as BS; is definitely throwing them under the bus.
Please read the information I sent you...it will help you establish reasonable expectations.
Then take a look here and start applying, someone might take a chance on you...
I applied. Sorry if I came off as negative. I'm even ready to work at SWIFT or England CR just so I can pay my dues. I've read through most of the CDL manual already. I've been taking online practice tests and doing alright.
I just find this as needless red tape. My work history has nothing to do with how safely I can drive a truck.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
Wow. Your attitude is in serious need of adjusting. Prime wants work history as a prequalifucation for hire. All carriers want a work history before they invest thousands in training you and taking on 100% of the liability in the process.
Trucking companies are not like other employers, not like any other job you've ever had.
Take a look at these two links and learn something about what this is before you throw Prime, one of the premier TL carriers, under the bus.
I have not thrown them under the bus. I know they are a decent company, but I'm upset because I actually have work history, it's just not in the past 3 years. I've worked as a contractor for a British company, but that is technically self employed. I'm mostly frustrated that a company would overlook an applicant that has zero DUI's, safe driving record, no felonies, just because he has zero work history that was due to not being in the country.
And you never even answered my question and instead mentioned my attitude. All I want to know is, are there any carriers/companies that wouldn't mind taking me on despite this?? That was my original question.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
So I've got this unique situation. I've been living out of the US for the past 4 years of my life to be closer to my relatives, but now I am flying back to the US, in bout a week and I want to get into the trucking industry. I'm 28 years old, no family, no girlfriend, no DUI's, no felonies, want to see the country & don't care about being home. I figure I'm perfect for the right company that would train and hire me, because all I want to do is work. I honestly, don't even care about time off or getting days off back home.
I applied to a few companies for CDL training. One company I applied with, Prime Inc., I then called to speak to a recruiter and he said they couldn't hire me because I didn't have 3 years of prior work history. What a load of bs? I thought explaining I was in another country would would make him understand, but he pretty much rejected me and told me I need to get a job somewhere for about 8 months then I can apply?
I've never heard of having to have a job, before you can actually get a job being a thing. Isn't that a catch 22?
I don't want to work at a gas station for 8 months just so I can get this trucking thing going.
Does anyone have any recruiters I can call who can work with me? Or maybe there are some recruiters who would like to get in touch with me?
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
This forum is a joke. I'm getting out of here & never coming back.