Eden, NC
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
Yea I tried to get on with prime and their recruiters are *******s one of the managers hung up on me.
So if I was diagnosed with cancer and spent two years in therapy how am I supposed to tell employers this without being rejected? I mean do people understand that sometimes you're unable to work? I have medical records to prove this. I just feel the guy at Prime completely blew me off without even working with me. Our conversation didn't even last 2 minutes.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Wanting to know if I'm waisting time trying to get my CDL.
Hey I'm 23 years old and the time now has come to where I can finally get my cdl. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. But last year of August I caught a reckless driving charge and got a lawyer to get the pending charge dismissed down to just a regular speeding ticket. Then also back in March of this year (2018) I had a single vehicle accident where I overturned my car. The police officer came and I didn't get a ticket for it and he ruled me not at fault because the vehicle malfunctioned so I did not contribute to the accident. Now here I am trying to do applications for companies that have paid CDL training but the chances on getting accepted are slim. I applied for two schools already and they ran my MVR and found only the speeding ticket. I'm wondering if the company that I choose and accepts me will they see the accident in the future and also the dismissed reckless driving charge. I know all companies are different but I'm looking at going through Pam transport and also crst. I tried Stevens transport but they denied me because of the accident. And that's what has me worried. I don't want to put the money in for my permits and other fees and then get bad news that I can't obtain my CDL because of these situations. Can anyone help me and give me your opinion and tell me if I should continue or am I waisting time thanks so much and God bless
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Non ticketed accident
Hey just wondering if I should put an accident that I had in my personal vehicle this year on a application for any trucking company with company sponsored CDL training. The police arrived on scene of the accident deemed me not at fault nor was I giving a ticket or citation. The vehicle did rollover as this is the reason some companies are denying my application. However it is not showing up on my MVR but I've been upfront about it with a few companies. Now I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. I'm going to give it one last shot, most truckers that I've asked said I shouldn't put it on the application since it's not showing up on mvr. Can any one give some advice please?