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Posted: 5 years ago
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My last company was PAM. I finished my 1yr contract plus a little bit more for good measure and have since gotten of the truck. PAM did not use ELD's it was called something else and ran on the trucks Omnitracks computer. Will I need to bring my own ELD device to Crete or do they supply that ?
Posted: 5 years ago
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Thanks Jamie, Going somewhere new, every bit of info helps and a picture would be worth a thousand words. Very curious which GPS you use, since I will need to get one.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Thank you very much Jamie. Sorry my post are delayed or I would not have asked you twice.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Thanks Jamie. At my last company the directions for a load were automatically loaded into the QualComm's GPS after you accepted the load. What do their directions look like ? Are they step by step or just coordinates ? Please tell me the GPS you use. Looks like I will need to buy one.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Any current Crete drivers that can answer. Did some looking online about Crete and something's I read made it sound like their onboard computer not sure what they use,QulCom,PeopleNet ect.. But said the company does not pay the extra to have the GPS/Navigation option on their systems ? Is that true ? False? Also do they have a PrePay Toll device on their trucks ?
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Training with Drivers Solutions in Philadelphia
One last thing I forgot . The school I went to also placed students with Swift like you oak&Iron, but also, PAM, USA Trucking and some others.
They did say some students for whatever reason do end up switching to other companies before the year long commitment is done.
They said as long as the financial end is being met, when the students new employer calls to check to see if they have a diploma/certificate, they always confirm yes, the student did pass and has a diploma/certificate on file.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Training with Drivers Solutions in Philadelphia
Hey Longshot.
Other than my actual CDL, I don't have anything that says that I completed the course and graduated. And now, I find that a little disturbing. :/
I went to school through Drivers Solutions in Florida. I started almost the same day as you and graduated a few days after you. It sounds like we both went through the same process. I don't think we need to worry.
After I passed my test, I went back to school straight from the DMV, with my new CDL licence in hand. They called Driver solutions to tell them I graduated and to start the next phase of getting me on a training truck.
My school said I will not get a hard copy of the diploma/certificate. I was told they keep it on file until your commitment with PAM is fulfilled.
I assume I could get a hard copy of it after the commitment is fulfilled.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Training with Drivers Solutions in Philadelphia
Hi Oak & Iron, I had a question about going through school with Driver solutions and PAM. Did you get a physical, hard copy of your diploma/certificate, when you graduated ? Or do they hold that, until the 12 month commitment to PAM is complete and or the tuition balance is paid in full ?
PS.. I could not find the edit button. Sorry about the incomplete post above.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Training with Drivers Solutions in Philadelphia
Hi Oak & Iron, Did you get
Posted: 5 years ago
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Crete: No GPS & Prepass ?
Thank You Rob T and Jamie once again. So the PeopleNet is a true ELD device ? I ask because what PAM was using on OmniTracks was not a true ELD, and they were going to have to update their equipment to meet the requirements of a true ELD device.