Profile For Wilbur C.

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Wilbur C.'s Bio

48 year old male into old skool life.Love old cars,motorcycles,music.Diesel mechanic keeping the rubber side down.

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Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Fired from walmart...

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Failed drug test


It's not a failed drug test if you have valid prescriptions and there's a correlation between one of your prescriptions and the test result. However, if you test positive for something and you do not have a valid prescription for it then it's a failed test.

It shouldn't be difficult to get this cleared up if you simply failed the test because of one of your prescriptions.


Exactly.It is as simple as you said.

''Unfortunately where I am from, that stuff is pretty rampant. It's hard to get away from it. I do know people who use, and asked them to keep that stuff away from me. Could I have tested positive for unintentional contact?''

If you do not use why would you have unintentional contact?Unfortunately where I am from it is rampant as well and most areas here it is hard to get away from it.I knew people who used even though I did not.One was my dad.So I can see why you might hang out with some people still even though they use.Some people might say,''If they use get rid of them because they are not who they used to be and will get you involved and use too.''I know it all too well as not only my dad but very close friends used too and it was not that easy to end the relationships with just the snap of my fingers.But as time went by THEY....THEY made it easier for me to end my relationships with them as I got tired of the excuses and the trouble they got into and the other individuals they started to associate with.And worst of all....who they became.

My main vice was marijuana and I only quit drinking because 1.My liver had major damage2.I got so tired of being tired and this wasn't really me or who I was.I have had depression and anxiety my whole life and never knew what it was.Last few years I started talking to others and finding out why I was the way I am.Now I know.

This may sound harsh.But the bottom line is I used excuses from my drinking and excuses why I failed drug tests because I ****ed hot.''I was at my friend's house and he smoked a little over 4oz. and so it caused so much smoke I must have gotten it into my system as well.''No,it was because I smoked it with him,not ''Tested for unintentional contact."

From one user(ex) to another...Own it and move forward.Get a life(yours back) before you can't.I am moving now and am done with all online forums.I never had a Facebook,Twitter,Instagram....none of it.IMHO the internet is the evil we didn't need.It caused too much to change.And especially in a time now where our country ranks the worst in education scores.But with the internet and so much free learning tools we still fail to make use of what is right in front of our noses. I am a grown man and it is time to act like one.I have been a lone wolf my entire life and will continue to be I choose to.Truck driving as with any choice in life is what you WANT to make it.I choose to make my life excellent.I have email accounts for employment/school only like I said I do not believe in the internet as long before it the smartest of men(and women to) existed and prevailed.

I want to thank Brett for the information he has provided before I part ways.I also admire his enthusiasm for life and adventure as well.There is no high like it.When you can get high on life itself it is the best.I am a diesel mechanic for a high end company.I was homeless for almost 1 and a half years while attending school before gaining shelter but kept at it knowing I was going to work for one of the biggest companies of the world.

So when I see people who are very grown and still make excuses I respond the way I do.And like my dad......He never got ''it'' even though he is 72 now and threw away a great family but continues to be the victim.And I too ''Know the man in the mirror.''

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Failed drug test

It's not a failed drug test if you have valid prescriptions and there's a correlation between one of your prescriptions and the test result. However, if you test positive for something and you do not have a valid prescription for it then it's a failed test.

It shouldn't be difficult to get this cleared up if you simply failed the test because of one of your prescriptions.

Exactly.It is as simple as you said.

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Profanity in public x4


Chicken wing use this app to Apply For Paid CDL Training. One application will send it to many different carriers. Keep applying, I'm sure someone will bite. If you still cant find anything check out Western Express, Carolina Cargo or CR England. The starting pay is less than others but they're known for giving people 2nd (and 3rd) chances that other carriers wont touch. Ignore the trash you read about them, put in a year of safe driving and you'll find some carriers not wanting you now will be more than happy to hire you.

Wilbur, what would the penalty have been for loud music? I'm not a lawyer but it seems like it would've been alot less severe than disorderly conduct.


The way the law reads I understand, the officer I dealt with has a personal beef because I dated his ex-wife and public profanity the can tow your car, and fine you. Even took my bike, once and had it towed to his house. So I understand and I understand how it looks (like Wilbur said) but I know the man in the mirror.

I have a usb camera that is tiny and plugs right into a usb port.It hangs around my neck whenever I go outside so that way if I need to take care of a situation my hands are free but most importantly captures video of what went down because in this day and age it seems whoever calls the police first seems to automatically get a pardon even if they instigated the situation.I have had individuals try to rob me at knife point and when I exercise my 2nd amendment rights and it ends well(I don't have to shoot)they have the nerve to call the police or before I can and say the opposite.But a quick look at the usb camera shows the truth and prevents a HUGE mess.It is on me every time I step foot outside and when I ride.

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Profanity in public x4

Chicken wing use this app to Apply For Paid CDL Training. One application will send it to many different carriers. Keep applying, I'm sure someone will bite. If you still cant find anything check out Western Express, Carolina Cargo or CR England. The starting pay is less than others but they're known for giving people 2nd (and 3rd) chances that other carriers wont touch. Ignore the trash you read about them, put in a year of safe driving and you'll find some carriers not wanting you now will be more than happy to hire you.

Wilbur, what would the penalty have been for loud music? I'm not a lawyer but it seems like it would've been alot less severe than disorderly conduct.

Hey there Rob T! I hope you and yours is doing great and happy new year to ya!

During winter break from school me and 6 other students were hanging out and it was a little after 4PM and the music was a little past a little loud but we could still hear each other talk without having to raise our voices.I even had the manager in and out of my unit to inspect my refrigerator for replacement and she did not say anything about the volume and believe me she is the type to voice her opinion.About two hours later local police arrived at my residence and stated there was a complaint and issued me a ticket and an appear notice.I did hire an attorney to the sum of $3600.00 to defend me.He has a pretty good record when it comes to wins in court say 98%.

He was back and forth from the court and I met with him multiple times before we appeared in front of the judge.He himself couldn't believe he could not get me a clean slate,completely dropped charge.He did refund me $1000.00 though.I told him things have changed since I was younger and he stated that disorderly conduct can be anything from giving someone the finger to loud music or simply calling someone on the phone too much just making the phone ring in itself is harassment if the other party does not want you to call.No threats need to be made let alone even speaking.Just the phone ringing itself will do.

But yeah,I agree it should have been a fine and no record.And my attorney was just as disappointed as I was.Also here in AZ. there is no expungement of records either so it remains there and open forever.Like I said prior to that all I had was DUI from '91.

Posted:  5 years, 2 months ago

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Profanity in public x4

Over the last decade I have had 3 public intoxication/ public profanity charges due to one certain officer range about 2 years apart last one was in 10/18. I know I should not let him push my buttons but it is what it is. Which company will send me to cdl school? I have been honest with everyone I talked to and none will pull trigger. I am hopeless here help me guys.

The companies you are applying to see it as someone for the last ten years has not addressed their substance and mental well being issues and has an issue with authority figures as well.Public intoxication tells them that an indulgence in alcohol(?) leads to irresponsible thought processes with a negative outcome.So I have been told as well.

I have a misdemeanor from three years ago for loud music.It was reduced to disorderly conduct.The only other conviction was from 1991 a DUI.That is all there is on my background and because of the disorderly conduct I can not get a level 1 finger print card,I can not volunteer at animal(Adopt as well)/homeless shelters,I can not volunteer at food banks,I can not get hired at A LOT of interim jobs while I am going to school.I have been told by call centers and other employers TEN YEARS must pass before I can be employed.And the volunteer services.....nope.I have been told never again even when I tell them it was for MUSIC,no probation,no jail time just a small fine.

All they see it as is MISDEMEANOR/DISORDERLY CONDUCT EQUALS A BAD PERSON.I am not playing the victim here but that is all they see.Very few potential employers have asked me what my conviction is for.I have been sent copies of what my record shows from the court house and all it shows is:Misdemeanor reduced to disorderly conduct.

I OWN IT.But what a mess.Employers know ''life'' happens.The interim is what employers want to see clean after the fact.They want to see if someone can stay out of trouble.Not lecturing ya man.I know all too well like many others on here that ''life'' happens and when it does all you can do is move on.Hopefully my post will let others know that it takes very little to disrupt and possibly ruin your life.

Nice bike too.Love the red/whitewall combo wheels.Best of luck.Keep the rubber side down.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CDL Training concern...

Hello. I am currently in a accredited state college CDL School (both training and state testing provided in the same building). The class consists of two instructors (one full time and one part time) and 5 students. 3 of which are experienced semi truck drivers who have driven sticks. Me (who has never driven sticks or semis) and another gentleman whose in the same shoes. The course is 4 weeks long. We covered pre-trip the first week, passed the pre-trip state test. The rest of the 3 weeks we focus on basic skills and road skills. My concern is this...

The main instructor only works with the experienced drivers. They're the ones getting the teacher attention and are taken on the road. We are on the last week of school this Monday. 5 days to prepare for testing. Me and the other inexperienced driver haven't gotten any road time or teacher time. I basically been practicing the basic skills by myself or from help by the experienced students who give me advice that contradicts one another. The part time instructor took me and the other guy out on the road yesterday for the first time. The part time instructor told me on the downlow that the main instructor isn't planning on training me or the other guy because he doesn't want to train people who can't shift or drive semis. I'm confused because I am partially deaf and I thought I was joining the school to learn this stuff? I was told before I paid my 5 grand that I would be taught. The part time teacher is going to help me as much as he can, but I've got 5 days to learn how to shift and get practice before I'm scheduled for state road testing... I don't know what to do. I am extremely frustrated and I've sacrificed so much to get on board. I feel if I confront the instructor it'll make things worse, but if I let it slide I'll fail my test. I can't pass without his help and me and the other guy are no where near ready.

I need advice...

I have been lurking on here for over a year as this IS the best truck driving forum.And once again a big thank you to those that spend time out of their busy days to respond.

As soon as I seen that you are at a college(community college??) and are having an issue with the class I wanted to say something more like advice since I was in your shoes last year while attending school for automotive. You NEED to talk to a counselor any counselor and tell him/her the issues you are having NOW and not after the fact as the counselor that contacts you back will say it is too late if you wait too long.I had an issue with supplies that the school provided as well with some of the teachings.I complained right away and was given extra time to complete classes and had all other issues resolved.

This was three weeks into a fall semester and the counselor stated that if I waited another week,a month,that my complaints would be hearsay.And no matter how you are paying for this class you need to get your monies worth.I know colleges differ here and there but are pretty close in how they handle issues.And all I have seen so far do not accept the Pell Grants for CDL unless you apply for them at a one stop or pay cash.I was told the credits/units are too low to qualify.

Go in and talk to someone ASAP.Do NOT confront the instructor.Best of luck.

P.S. I ended up getting into automotive and have been accepted into a diesel program that works on tractors(Big Rigs).I was looking at becoming a truck driver and that is how I found this forum.

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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Lack of work history... What companies will accept me?




I spoke to CRST and Swift recruiters. Both seemed to think my lack of work history wouldn't be an issue. After speaking to both I am going to try and go to Swift. The fact that CRST only does teams for the full duration of your contract doesn't appeal to me all that much. Hoping to head off to school with Swift in about 3 weeks.



Hey Dragon Night. I see you are in Hemit CA. I lived in Palm Springs CA from '04-'11. Was great when I got there. But by '06 things started changing. Man, talk about a bad economy.

That's when things really went bad for me. How is it there now?

Best of luck brother. Hope one of those companies works out for you.


Not sure what your line of work was but things seem to be pickin up. Economy isn't terrible. Construction has picked back up and they're building new houses and there are less vacant buildings now. Housing market is stronger than it was. Cost of living is astronomical here in California though. I plan on moving in a couple of years. I am sick of the heat and politics and the cost of living here.

Congratulations sir. Must feel great moving forward. Yeah, I hear ya about living in California. I was born in Oakland and have lived in various areas. It's all too expensive.

Coachella Valley was affordable in '04. Rent was 450 a month for a one bedroom. By '12 I was paying over 750. I was an operations manager for a security company. Then another company came in and bought everyone well as laying everyone off.

Headed over to AZ. Not bad,but like most places a lack of employment. I've been looking into trucking since '11 and knew at some point I would make my move out of the security industry.So it's not something I am just jumping right into just because.

Swift is my number one pick.

Best of luck. Will follow your diary if you do one.

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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Lack of work history... What companies will accept me?

I spoke to CRST and Swift recruiters. Both seemed to think my lack of work history wouldn't be an issue. After speaking to both I am going to try and go to Swift. The fact that CRST only does teams for the full duration of your contract doesn't appeal to me all that much. Hoping to head off to school with Swift in about 3 weeks.

Hey Dragon Night. I see you are in Hemit CA. I lived in Palm Springs CA from '04-'11. Was great when I got there. But by '06 things started changing. Man, talk about a bad economy.

That's when things really went bad for me. How is it there now?

Best of luck brother. Hope one of those companies works out for you.

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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How NOT to Have a Good Looking Application...


I had a rough job history until I started following this site years ago. I have been slowly working on getting better. However, I did not have the same issues the driver did per say, but I had a rough time adjusting and finding my fit when I got out of the Army. I also worked 3 or 4 jobs at a time and discovered that this apparently looks bad to new employers as all they see is someone that worked 4 jobs in a year rather than someone working 4 jobs simultaneously while raising 2 kids and going to school. In my mind I thought "Man I look dedicated!" but that's not really how most companies see it apparently. I also am willing to admit a majority of my past issues were self inflicted.


I'm in a bit of the same predicament as far as job history goes. Three jobs in three years and part of that is having been unemployed for 7 months while doing whatever under the table work I can find to pay bills as well as contracting gigs.

It hasn't made it any easier trying to get into a paid CDL training course since when most of them see that, they reject it on the spot. I can't say I blame them since, while I have reasons for all of it, my resume reads like I'm a job hopper.

I am in the same boat. Two jobs in the last three years. The first job did everyone dirty. Walked in just to be told we were all let go. In the interim I applied at anything I could get so I wouldn't lose my car.Nothing.

With all my savings in the bank getting low and no work to be found I tried unemployment to be told that I quit. I found out the company president split.I lost my car.Eight months later I was taking the bus to work. Another eight months this company was fined for not having security guards with current registrations. Laid off again. Been a year now.

I can't take jobs that are only 16 to 20 hours a week at minimum wage and live let alone survive off of. So....this fall I return to school for a year. After that I'll work two more years then apply to some trucking companies.

Doing what I need to so I can become a driver and enjoy a career that I can take pride in.

What I like about trucking is, YOU...not anyone else makes or brakes it. You are the one that "owns it."It all falls on your shoulders. I am an over achiever and have been at all my jobs and have always been promoted.

I know I'll do well. Just need to take the steps to get there.

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