Profile For Sin

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    Springfield, MO

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 9 months ago

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PRIME inc. Flatbed Driver

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Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Prime Inc. CBT (Computer Based Training) Question

You're right, I'm lazy. That's why I went flatbed. You don't know anything about me except that I don't enjoy doing these CBT's when I could be on the road making money. Sure, it's part of the job, does that mean I can't complain about it or look for a workaround? By god tell me if a single one of you have never cheated on your logs. Off duty fueling? Y'all are no better than me as a person so you can't stop pretending.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Prime Inc. CBT (Computer Based Training) Question

Someone just delete this post. Y'all can act like saints all you want but if you said you've never cut a corner in your life you're a fat ass liar. These CBT's have nothing to do with how I drive, and don't assume that I'm a know it all because I'm not and if anyone says they are they should hang up their keys. You can't know what I'm talking about unless you've worked with prime.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Prime Inc. CBT (Computer Based Training) Question

Okay so they say they know if you skip the video but has anyone here actually had a come to Jesus talk over skipping the videos? I've come back to upgrade and they ask that you rewatch every single one and it's about 5 hours worth of videos. I skipped 3-5 when I first got my CDL and had to do the hire-on CBT's but now I have 35+ and this **** is cumbersome. Just wanna know if any Prime employees on here might've skipped through them without a word.

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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Prime Inc Paid CDL Training

No as a company driver you do not pick your truck. you can choose lightweight or condo...they say you need approval, but all you need to do is ask for the condo.

most company drivers are in either international lightweights or cascadia. that doesnt mean you wont get a Pete turned in by a lease op. but it is highly unlikely.

Also the fleet is now 65% automatic. what is left of the manuals will be exchanged by the end of the year for company drivers but lease ops could have theirs another year or two....unless they purchased them.

I dont know of any FB trainers here. Turtle might know?

Thanks for all the info!

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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Prime Inc Paid CDL Training

Hello everyone! My name is Kodi, I'm currently in Prime's Student Driver orientation, it's currently day 3 and I'm very happy with this school. For those that have attended this program or those that currently work here I would like to ask a couple questions. First, as a company flatbed driver do I get to pick my truck? Second, are there any stick flatbed trainers on here?

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