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Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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A new trucker’s wife, on a rollercoaster ride of emotions…
Thanks Big Scott for your response, I'm sorry for your loss as well! Hoping to get out on the road with hubby at some point, but with the current company he is with he will be doing team driving, so I'm not sure if that is a possibility. Another concern I had been wondering about was what if there was a family emergency, or a situation that he needed to be home for, would he be able to. I'm glad to hear that you were able to be there when needed, it puts my mind a little more at ease that it could be a possibility for him to be here as well if something were to come up. Just curious, when you do get home time, about how long are you there for? Does it vary depending on the amount of time you are out? I appreciate your response, and your feedback. I am still trying to sort out what to post where, so thank you for letting me know about the general discussion area! Safe travels to you, and thank you for letting me know that these feelings are normal, it's a new normal. :)
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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A new trucker’s wife, on a rollercoaster ride of emotions…
So, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get out how I’ve been feeling, what I’ve been going through, all of the above. I have finally gathered up enough nerve to start a thread and see what happens. My father passed away just over a month ago. One week later, I was taking hubby to Iowa to start his CDL adventure. Within one week, the two most important men in my life were gone. It was the final decision, well discussion dad had with hubby, he was to get his butt to trucking school. And so, it was demanded by the chief so off we go! Now hubby and I had been preparing for him going away, we just were sorting things out and then boom, overdrive it all went. We talked about what him going away actually meant, I would be in charge of the household for a bit. A whole new bit of responsibilities. No problem. I have been taking care of things at the household but on top of it, I am helping take care of my mother’s house, and missing my husband terribly. I am super busy but feeling very alone. I thought I was prepared for it to all happen, but wow, it’s a little different than I imagined. I am figuring out how to stay positive, I am so very excited and proud of my husband. He has completed all training, got his CDL, and has already driven from California to Maryland! So very proud!! To say it’s been a whirlwind of emotions is an understatement. I cry every day, for my father, for missing my hubby, for being so proud. A roller coaster of ups and downs.
I know hubby is going through a whirlwind of emotions as well. Leaving home, missing pops, starting a new adventure, not knowing the outcome, a wee bit of stress! Figuring out what a new normal is. He’s exhausted, and excited all in one. He is a trucking man! He posted in the General Discussion section a thread about being able to go home again. We had a very brief moment this past weekend and he came home, but he said, he almost felt like a guest at home. He was home but it was definitely different. It took me by surprise to read that and broke my heart all at the same time. Yes, life is continuing to go on while he is out on the road, but home will always be home, just have to work on making sure it always feels like that for him.
We have great conversations when we get a moment to talk. We both stay as encouraging and positive on the phone. We both are learning to adjust and find our flow. It seems, these forums have became a great way to share and get things off our chest, and express ourselves. This new adventure is such a blessing, overwhelming, but a huge blessing. Just trying to figure out ways to remember the blessings, stay sane, and get adjusted. Thank you to those who took the time to read this extremely long, probably all over the place, expression of emotions. Just a new trucking wife, working on figuring things out. You can feel free to let me know if I am going totally insane, or perhaps I am perfectly normal, either way, I appreciate you listening. :)
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Well, trucker's wifey here. I am planning on starting a post in the women's section as well, been going through many different feelings, anxiety, you know all the lovely female things and trying to sort out who to talk to or who to share with. Being a brand new truckers wife, there are so many new everythings happening every day. There truly is no way to talk about everything and prepare for the life change before you leave. We had many talks, I completely knew that things were going to be dramatically different. I would become the new head of house hold, it would be my responsibility now to make sure all things were taken care of here so there is a home to come back to. I have waited patiently for the moment hubby came home, and even though it was very brief, my world felt complete again. Home was back. I try to imagine what you as truckers go through, your thoughts, feelings, everything, and I am at a loss. This forum though has been helping me understand even more though. Your new residence is the open road, but your home will always be where your family is. I can understand how it can feel like being a guest in your own home, cause as other's have mentioned, things are still going on here, changing, and happening, but I remind myself everyday, that these new things happening here are "normal" hubby is experiencing a whole new world of change and adjustments. I kind of have it easy! I feel as though I am all over the place with this post, one thing is for certain though, you will always have a home to come back to, and it will always be yours....together we will figure things out. Just taking it a moment at a time. Things may not get back to "normal" I believe we are finding our new "normal". Life is filled with roller coasters, your roads are filled with mountains to cross.....it's a heck of a ride either way. I am a very proud of my hubby, I know it is rough at times, and there are many more "adventures" ahead. I am excited, scared, anxious, all of the above about what may come next. One thing is for certain, as long as we keep on "truckin" we got this! <3 <3
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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A new trucker’s wife, on a rollercoaster ride of emotions…
Hi Rainy! Thank you so very much for all your insight! First things first, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to so many of these posts, I know your schedule is quite hectic, but you taking the time out to help those beginning get a little more comfortable, or at least better understand what is going on or what is to be expected means a lot! Thank you! Second, It’s good to know that I am both insane and normal! LOL! There are just so many emotions going on, it is somewhat refreshing learning that I am not unique, this is common.
Yes, hubby is quite a great guy! I am so very proud of him, he is out there making things happen! I understand the most important way to show support for him is staying positive and keep encouraging him. He has quite a bit more on his plate than I do. When he does make it home, this is his time to decompress, get that sleep he so needs, and take care of whatever other things he needs to. My job is to make it as comfortable as possible! ☺
I have been processing so many things over the last couple of days, and I will say, after reading more on here and hearing what you have to say, I know things are going to be rough, but they will level off. I know I haven’t lost both men in my life, one is just a phone call away, the other is watching over us both and protecting us along the way. I will continue to do my best to stay positive and keep things flowing as they should. When hubby comes home next, I may try the hotel idea…. It could be a great get a way for both! He can sleep and I can chill in the hot tub!
Thank you so very much for your feedback, I truly appreciate it! Stay safe out there!!