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Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Old School and andhe78. Thanks for the reply and help. I am in Truck Driving School in Houston. They have gone over several different ways on how to downshift but each instructor seems to have a different way, which I understand. I have been using the tach as my guide to downshifting. One of my instructors told me 1000 rpm for one down and 800 for two down. The two down was more of information for me and not to actually perform on the test. I go today to practice on the range and hopefully some on the road to get this down so I only have to take this test once and not multiple times. Thanks again guys for the help.
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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I know this subject has been beaten like a worn out drum. I was unable to find an answer to a specific question. I take my CDL exam on Tuesday June 26. I have the pre-trip and the backing down pretty well. 27 years as an automotive technician helps. Here is my downshift question. If I am traveling at 45 miles an hour and I would be ready to shift to 9th but I see in the distance 1/4 mile or so up ahead, the light changes to red. Traffic is light and no one really in front of me. Do I down shift one gear at a time? Do I slow down enough to go from 8th to 6th to 4th? If I go one gear at a time do I slow to 35 to shift to 7th or slower? I am confused about downshifting, upshifting I have no problems with. I have to double clutch and have been told a few different ways to do it. Going down one gear, get to 1000 RPM's, clutch in, go to neutral, bump accelerator to 1300-1500 RPM, tap clutch and down shift. Is this right? I want to try and make sure I get this right. Thanks in advance.
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Hey Guys
Thank you so much for all of the advice and help. I was able to go out to the school range with my instructor and practice. My instructor is the best. We drove around for a couple of hours and after about 30 minutes of "yelling" at me, well not really yelling but being assertive, I was able to downshift, turn, and stop correctly. I used a lot of what everyone said and tried most if not all of it to help me get it right. My instructor told me not to do anymore downshifting than was absolutely necessary. I did some skip shifting down but only coming off the freeway to get from 10 to 8 then 8 to 6. I drove up to the light or stop sign in 6 unless the red light seem to have been on for a while then I went to 4. Most of the time it was a drive up in 6. Range selector down go to 3. One of the most helpful things that I found was to stab the accelerator and get the RPM's up quickly, and then go to gear. That took some practice but it worked well for me. Again guys thanks for all the help and please stay safe.