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Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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I've read so many of these forums and others. If a person passes a urine analysis but fails a hair folicle it ruins their trucking career. Why??? Urine samples depict if drugs have been used recently. Hair follicle testing goes further back in ones past. It's sad that someone that has reformed from using drugs can't go on in life and better themselves. How is it legal for companies to put the failed hair folicle on anyones record if it isn't DOT approved due to so many variables of inconsistency?
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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If hair follicle testing isn't mandated by DOT regulations. How is it legal for companies to put it on DAC report.
I'm certainly not saying that testing should be more lenient by any means. It'd be a good step in making the roads safer. People change and yes 6 months of being drug free of any illicit drug is a sure step in the right direction. I attained my Class A in 2007 and have never failed any drug screen of any kind. I saw a report on Trucking Companies going to hair folicle testing and googled it for more information. The first thing that popped up was a post on Trucking Truth from a seasoned driver that failed a hair folicle after passing a UA and now his career is in turmoil. Im not posting to defend any druggies, just trying to attain more info on the subject. If its not a DOT approved substitute for urine analysis how can it be used against you for future employment?