Roanoke, VA
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Experienced Driver
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Company fuel hauler.
Posted: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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I work for the state and research and statistics for many years.. I started straight Outta college and worked on my graduate degree while working for the state and getting my tuition reimbursed.
It’s important to understand that if you have a question it’s from uncertainty. You might really reply and it conflicts with what you know…. And your question.It. Unless someone sites their source and it’s an original source, not something they heard in the men’s restroom at the truckstop.. but they can actually site the source… you should check with the actual source… for example the FMCSA itself
You aren’t required to carry around the long form. The DOT doesn’t keep a copy of it…. So the odds of them asking you for either if you’re being audited is practically zero and they’ll tell you this.
A lot of drivers live by Myths. An example is personal convenience you hear all kinds of time limits and so on but the fact is there’s absolutely no limit to personal convenience. The federal motor carrier safety administration tells you that you’re still responsible for safe driving and if you have an accident or you get a citation you’re responsible for that.
But there’s times when there’s really no safe place to stop and you might have to drive 200 miles after you run out of hours of service you also don’t have to stop at the first available place to stop… the law says it’s what you consider safe the driver determines what safe
This doesn’t mean that you might not get a ticket for personal convenience.. but the courts will throw it out. I guarantee you. They’re the scumbag state, such as Iowa for example that has people giving tickets for. Fog zone violation…. The our Supreme Court ruled that that was unconstitutional because it was a violation of the fourth amendment, right … C Tague versus Iowa.
when you go through Des Moines, it’s like you’ve run into the Mafia. They legally violate commercial drivers fourth amendment rights “illegal search and seizure after pulling commercial-driver over for a fog zone violation. Sometimes you have to find it because I’ll give you a ticket even though they know they’re filing your rights, but they’ve had some big awards against them and they might be calming down soon because people will be taking those corrupt officials out of their office
Are you having a stroke?
Posted: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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So, according to Google and a 74% of all cargo and Highjacking happen in Californa.
So, today in driving class, this topic came up, and no one seems to know the answer, so I will ask it here.
Legally, what can a truck driver do if someone is attempting to hijack his cargo or truck?
I called the California Highway Patrol, but they were unhelpful and ultimately did not have an answer. I also called the three California law firms, which also did not have a clear answer as to what a truck driver may or must do or are allowed to do to protect themselves, their truck, and/or the cargo they are hauling. The one clear answer I did receive, was then legally any property being hauled by the truck driver is lawfully considered the truck drivers property, thus they would have a responsibility to protect that property.
Now, if> the United States Constitution still had merit or power behind it, I would say that an individual would have the constitutional legal authority to protect themselves or their property from imminent danger to one's life, or property. Yet, in this nation of greed, the Constitution has little merit unless you are rich. Especially in California, where there is a 95% conviction rate before you see a judge or lawyer and a 99.9999% conviction rate after you meet with the public defender or lawyer or into the courtroom.
So I ask again: If someone attempts to hijack a semi-truck while it is going down the road, stopped, etc., what is the truck driver allowed to do to protect themselves?
Is your life worth risking over a load of TVs? Beer? Auto parts? If not, what cargo would be?
Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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Hazmat driver 30 minute paid break
Chipotle (or any eating) is extremely surprising. People get warnings for not getting their helmet on quickly enough after exiting the cab. Kind of encourages more head swiveling on my part during loading in the future.
I already approached one of your crew, 189 or 193 or something like that, bigger guy. Said he didn't know TT but had an idea who you were. Still in 9973, starting around 2 pm at any given rack.
Saw your tractor today at KM1 around 1230 but when I saw you don’t start until 2, I figured y’all must slip seat. I’m in 183 which is the only tractor we have on the road without the pump and hose reel behind the cab. Still gonna keep my eyes peeled.
That was almost it! I couldn't see the numbers on the cab when checking in but apparently you read mine well enough! Guess I should worry about the eye check on my medical renewal here in a month lol
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Hazmat driver 30 minute paid break
Chipotle (or any eating) is extremely surprising. People get warnings for not getting their helmet on quickly enough after exiting the cab. Kind of encourages more head swiveling on my part during loading in the future.
I already approached one of your crew, 189 or 193 or something like that, bigger guy. Said he didn't know TT but had an idea who you were. Still in 9973, starting around 2 pm at any given rack.
Posted: 8 months ago
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Hazmat driver 30 minute paid break
For me, some days I get plenty of time to rest during the day while others I’m running hard to be back in under 14 hours. Right now, we’re pretty slow for some reason and we might get an hour or more of downtime during our day. I’d rather stay busy and keep moving than sitting for hours waiting on a load. We also seem to be having trouble and playing the allocation game and waste a ton of time just trying to get loaded or there are issues at the rack. We get paid by the hour but I hate sitting around wasting time while others try to. If it wasn’t for the nights, weekends and holidays, I’d love to work for Sheetz but I’m kind of enjoying my Monday thru Friday day shift.
Bottom line, you’re driving their equipment which they expect you to operate safely… do what you need to do to do so. If you need to stop and take a quick nap, take it at Burger King.
You don't work nights, weekends or holidays?
Also I agree with the rack issues but only at buckeye on Starkey recently. Wish they'd figure out the 1st regular arms on lane 1 and 3.
Not sure how all these hourly fueling companies compare exactly but mine pays by the load so the quicker and more efficient one can prove themselves to be, the more orders you will be trusted with over time.
Posted: 11 months, 2 weeks ago
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Prime presented me an Excellence Award Tonight!!
Lobster AND steak I hope?
Well done Kearney!
Posted: 1 year, 4 months ago
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If you can buy a truck outright, why not use that money for real estate instead? Much better return to rent a property and see the investment grow instead of depreciating in a vehicle.
Posted: 1 year, 12 months ago
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This is not a 9 to 5 job. This is a "you may drive at any time during a 24 hour clock, but within you 14 hours of starting".
Therefore if you statt at midnight, you may not drive past 2 pm which is the end of your 14 hours. Therefore you have 11 hours to drive between midnight and 2pm. That allows time for bathroom breaks, food and possibly a customer.
Possibly a customer, love it
Posted: 2 years ago
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Man that's great, you did lots of research, studying and asked questions, then proved you worked hard at this with a big win, way to go
Posted: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Million Mile Award!
Do send us all a pic of your plaque on the Prime wall. Yours should be emblazoned and gem studded.
Cheers to your next million, Kearsey!