Profile For Dee Squared

Dee Squared's Info

  • Location:
    Perry, IA

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 7 months ago

Dee Squared's Bio

Been wanting to drive truck since I was way young when my dad drove for Navajo back when trucks were turquoise with the female Indian on them Early 70's. Remember getting a black Peterbilt believe was a 379 model for Christmas in 1974. My dad loved law enforcement and worked as a policeman and Deputy sheriff a few times but always went back to driving to make money. His last driving company was Yellow and did that until he was voted in to secretary of the Wyoming Teamsters. He always told us he would kick our @$$ if we drove truck. Well think I am safe now he died in 1993 and we buried his ashes with my mom when she passed in 1999. After 33 years in the automotive biz I have had enough and looking for not just a job but something I want to get up and do each day. I started looking at TMC and talking about it and my son looked into it and as i write this he is thru orientation and is in 3rd week with a trainer. To say the least I am jealous. Joined here to get as much info as I can.

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Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Why Some Are sent Home During Orientation At TMC

I am not yet in this industry but today in my current job as a Service Manager at a car dealership I interviewed a newly retired Yard Instructor for a part time shuttle van driver position. After inview we started talking a bit and one thing he mentioned was why some do not make it and sent home. He said it is because some cannot follow simple instructions. They will not send you out with a 80,000 pound vehicle if you cannot follow simple directions. What are the instructions? 1) Do not turn on the radio in the truck on the lot during training. 2) Do not use a mobile phone for any reason when training in the yard or in a truck. Do not use ear buds of any type for any reason. He said you would be surprised how many take out ear buds and put in after they drove the truck and got out for next guy or grab their phone to check messages/check Facebook etc. or get in truck and turn on the radio to hear how it sounds. He said they not only need to know they follow basic directions and follow through they need their attention so when they get in the truck they don't hurt anyone.

Above is the end of the TMC information. Went back and forth adding this last part because not what a trucking company has said to me but this gets me thinking of my hiring practices. I could see this in this field too. 1) I give simple instructions on how to apply. By email, online ad, or stop in and see our cashier's for application. If you follow I interview on the spot. 2) Do not have friends, wife, mom, dad, girlfriend,etc come in to speak to me, call me, or email me before you come in. 3) I still use paper application and watch to see if you or someone else fills it out. 4) Do not bring someone to interview. I become busy in a hurry and will have to call you to reschedule as my cashier's will inform you. 5) Same as 4 will happen if you take another job and don't bother to call me and not show for an interview and new job does not work out. I will set an interview time but I won't be there. 6) Same as TMC in a away. You pick up your phone, have ear buds in....."I have several applicants for this position. After I reviewed them I will call all those that meet our standards to set a start date."

A lot is common sense. Even in this time I do not believe a trucking company is much different than me. It does not matter what job appling for if an applicant cannot follow simple instructions how will they follow more difficult ones that can and will come with the possition they apply for?

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Old School I agree with what you are saying. I was off a week he did not go back after his third week of training. Was it the body odor of trainer? No. Was it the constant yelling about anything he did while driving? No. Was it the trainer yelling at him when they got held up at a delivery and blamed him for not being home by 2pm Friday? No. Was it telling him on a Wednesday he was talking vacation the next week so stay home. No even though no pay. Was it screaming at him to get back in the truck and back it up "no need to look I am guiding you....get the **** out of the truck I will do it" and trianer damaged trailer and a building and tells him " you missed this damage on your pretrip this morning" No but close.

Two things did it. First and foremost. The trainer kept telling him how bad America is and how much better Europe is. Listened to Progressive talk radio all the time and kept saying how right they are and America is going down wrong path and is wrong in most we do. Well issue with that is my son may not of told him he lost a brother fighting for America. His brother was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. His brother was a Machine Gunner in the Marine Corps. Came in after going out a couple of days to provide cover for some of our Marine Snipers. His squad was to go out he shouldn't have but did. (Hated being in the wire). They found (he) a IED. Since his brother was senior Machine Gunner he signaled to another in a better position they would switch. As the the two of them crossed paths a sniper from other side shot. His brother was hit in his Grim Reaper Tattoo on his left upper arm entered his rib cage and bounced around. The next time Joe saw his brother was in a casket in his dress blues. I do know air support was called in and person responsible no longer walks this Earth either.

Second the weekend before his girlfriend of 8 years said she was pregnant. He did not want to be on the road halfway across the country worried and not there at time of delivery.

All ended well. Before he went to TMC he was working for a company that did city water works. It was an easy 7-3:30 m-f that he did not work hard at and hated that part. Even when he went home he napped after work and didn't have drive like he did his previous job. His previous job he worked for an up and coming sewer company that does clean out and camera work along with hydro- excavating. Was waorking 60-80 hrs per week. He was a trainer for them. They sent the new guys with him. If they made a week with Joe they were good. He would work them 14-18 hours a day with him by their side. Most work they do is Davis-Baccon wage. Not sure who called who but he is back with them and his boss paid $4k to TMC and he is making as much if not more than he would have and the owners wife thinks he is a god so believe all worked out well.

Joe has nothing bad to say about the CDL training or TMC. His only complaint about TMC is not TMC issue was what a**holes some of the shippers (GP Florida) was but he wrote that off he looks 16 when clean shaved.

I personally know 5 drivers and they all been there a while and cannot image driving anywhere else. They know the green grass other places is due to fertilizer.

Oh, I forgot to mention Joe was this trainers 4th or 5th trainee. All others were a week or less. Joe asked for a different trainer a couple of times but was told that it would be a few weeks or so. First time he thought he could stick it out but once he found out he was going to be a dad he in his mind has to be debt free except his house before the kid comes. That said he is not letting his CDL go to waste. He is Hauling grain here in Iowa for a couple of large farmers on his spare time.

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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I suggest a Facebook Page "TMC transportation trainee/new recruits". Has some trainers, drivers, at least one recruiter, people thinking about it, some in training, new drivers, and others that will answer questions. I warn you at times their honestly can come across a little sharp. That said with what I know about this industry if you cannot take that maybe you are looking in wrong field for work. As I was looking at TMC my son, who already had a class b working for a city water department, went through their training and went out with a trainer for 4 weeks. During this some driver trainers even contacted me one even called me. The good driver/trainers take great pride in the company and want to take out the bad ones. Been on it for several months and can tell it's a brotherhood more than a job once in. Sometime I should write about my son's experience. If it was not for the trainer he would still be there. He has nothing bad to say about TMC. I am still thinking about them. It may be time for me to get out of automotive dealership service management. My problem is I need to grow a replacement for myself before I leave after being here 32 years.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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IFTA Decal?

Vinyl Eraser wheel works great. Can use with a cordless drill. Can get at any parts store or Amazon for about $10-$20. Sure beats pealing off little pieces or a heat gun and plastic razor blade. Use all the time.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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So, what are the practical advantages of flatbedding for all it's hardships?

One day a neighbor was over talking to my dad about getting into driving truck in the early 80's. At that time my dad was driving for Yellow. Another friend of theirs stopped over that pulled flatbeds. Still remember the advise he gave the neighbor. " Get into flatbeds. The pay is extremely well for at most two hours of work each day. It's the 400-500 miles commute to work in a rough riding truck most days that gets tiring".

Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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Dot physical

I cannot speak for all companies because possibly some small businesses may not but in most companies of any type that requires physical labor will have a physical as part of employment nothing to do with DOT. We do at a car dealership I am at now because last thing I want is to hire someone and then have them file a claim for work comp on me. It is done to protect both parties really.

Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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Watch your surroundings both on ground and up high.

Went back and forth sharing my stupidity from this weekend. Its not a semi trailer but it just as well could of been. We have gone up about 5 years to help with a Poker Run "Motoring for Mammy's" in Wisconsin. Pulled in without incident for four. I have to come in tight to building to get under a guide wire for a radio tower. Most times a dumpster is at this corner of building I need to go around. This time across the drive on pavement. No overhang on Gable end and I assumed none on eve side. I looked in mirrors and I was about 3ft out with the tires from the corner. I thought I was golden. Mirrors only show about bottom 1/2 of this trailer. Big mistake on my part. I have pulled campers for over 20 years and people laugh at me when I get out to look and I could care less. One time I did not ....let's just say it was a long weekend of people going way out of their way on my left. Don't care going back to getting out and looking for obstacles both low and high. This just cost me my pride and a few $$. Once I work for someone could cost me my livelyhood.


Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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A fun little exercise for the rookies.

Well my second thought is back in off of Chambers St. Why? My luck lots marked 1 and 2 would be full when if I pulled in and would have to back out onto Chambers St anyway. I know with my 40ft camper I would rather back off a street than try to back onto a street. A long distance to back but looks to be clearest path.


Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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A fun little exercise for the rookies.

Sorry I must of forgot map picture.

Look at Google Maps to study and then call and if the allow entering of of W 8th? If so drive past, adjust, and back it in? Looks easiest and safest to someone like me that is not yest a driver.


Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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A fun little exercise for the rookies.

Look at Google Maps to study and then call and if the allow entering of of W 8th? If so drive past, adjust, and back it in? Looks easiest and safest to someone like me that is not yest a driver.

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