Profile For Anthony R.

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    6 years, 7 months ago

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Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Hello everybody OTRTurckStomper here (I;m a total Noobe) with a question about work history?

Hello everybody sorry it is taking me so long to get back on here but school is long and weather is hot update::: we have been City driving along with on and off ramp training. Then alternating days with back up training. so far everything is working out really good for me the trucks at the school are older then Dust, and keep breaking down on us daily but the way I see it if I can drive and do maneuvers in this truck I can drive any truck.In my opinion the trucks are not safe to drive but the school is what it is. The instructors, there are some very good ones, some bad oncs and some really bad ones, but again it is what it is I do not burn myself with things like that I just keep my eye on the ball and keep moving forward the only issue I been having is downshifting but I take that as bad instructions from the first 2 instructors, On the 3rd day we got a new instructor who explained it very plainly and I was able to downshift with no problems the rest of the day next time we went into the city I use the same technique that the third instructor gave me and was able to drive with a Flawless record the entire day well for 4 hours not the entire day like I said some good instructors some bad backing up after watching a bunch of videos and staying late after school watching other students backup I have a very good grasp of it and have been nailing it pretty successfully. Straight back passed on every attempt,

off set backing both conventional and Blind Side 12 attempts failed 1st attempt passed the remaining 11,

conventional parallel parking 9 attempts failed first two attempts past the remaining 7.

.Blind Side parallel nine attempts failed first 3 passed the remaining 6. Monday we do alley docking but after watching other students and watching a lot of YouTube videos LOL I feel fairly confident that I will succeed. pre-trip is tattooed on my brain and have it down cold. Very happy with my progress so far at the school spoke with my Schneider recruiter and told her that I'm looking at going team with a Home Depot account they actually have a contract that you have to drive no less than 2750 miles a week to be on the Home Depot team contract. Filled out the forms on Schneider website that match you with a team driver waiting to hear back from them. A week from this coming up Monday I have an appointment with the DMV to get my HazMat endorsement which I feel extremely confident that I will pass everything is going in the direction that I wanted to go in and I am very happy and itching to start my driving career.

Well that's the update so far good talking with you truckers look forward to seeing you on the road.

10-4 from OTRTruckStomper

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Hello everybody OTRTurckStomper here (I;m a total Noobe) with a question about work history?

Hello everybody just want to give an update of my first 2 days of truck driving school that started on 07-02-2018 Monday: There where Just 5 studants in class room me included. Class Started at 7am 1st day was just over 10.5 hours and they don't mess around the instructor threw us right into it. lots of reading and a hole lot of infomation to take in. The day started of with the instructor handing out the "United state truck driving school manual BOOK" an Truck Drivers Daily Log book, some literature on safe driving and Using an ELD's(Electronic logging devices) both the ELD and Safe Driving where just a couple of papers stapled together. Then the instructor show us how to fill out our T.D.D. log books after that we started reading the first chapter,that was about(Hours-of-service regulations) #17 pages highlighted the parts we would have a quiz on the next day. At the end of the day we worked on "Monthly Summary Sheet" 70 hours in 8 days rule. then we work on a sheet with T.D.D. log book grids and we had to find the 11hour and 14hour violations this was my (achilles heel)wtf.gifwtf.gif i could not wrap my head around it maybe because it was the end of the day to much to fast i dont know? Did not have time to studied the 11-14 violations on monday night stayed up till 11:30ish studing for the quiz.(As instructed by the instructor) at lunch we filled in our off time in our T.D.D. log book and at the end of the day we filled out the rest of the T.D.D. log book.

Tuesday: First thing we filled out the T.D.D. log book as on duty 7am. Then we did the quiz.(There are 20 question in that quiz and you must get 75% correct) studing hard monday night paid off. I got 80% correct. (QUESTIONS ARE NOT STRIGHT FORWARD) You have to use your head and kinda read between the lines, "DONT RUSH" take your time a question can look to be true but its a trick. Took about 40 min for everybody to fininsh the quiz. Started reading chapter #2 in the U.S.T.D.S.Manual. (Air Brakes Systems) 27 pages most was covered in the DOT written exam i took at the DMV "but not all" worked on that until 2pm then started chapter#3 (Injury Prevention) 5 pages read and highlighted until 2:40ish then work on a (monthly summary sheet) 30min Then T.D.D. log book grids 11-14 violations still having a hard time with this but not has hard as Monday (I'LL GET IT) just need to study. rest of the day we watched movies about Rail Road crossing and Trucks getting hit by Trains (That sure did wake Me up) an injury pervention video, human trafficing (WOW had no idea) then look at a display of a air brake system on the table learned what a spring brake to a system brake is which is on the DOT final you will take at end of school. we where handed some homework to study for another quiz on Thursday we are of on Wednesday (July 4th) Holiday. The home work is chapter #2 and #3 in the U.S.T.D.S.Manual and the monthly summary sheet and the T.D.D. log book grids 11-14 violations sheet. At lunch we filled in our off time in our T.D.D. log book and at the end of the day we filled out the rest of the T.D.D. log book.

well thats my first 2 days of Truck Driving School

OOh ya some good news Schneider sent me a check to cover my exspenses for the DOT physical and written dont think they would have done that if there was an issue with my work history (That was a BIG HELLS YES for me).

Happy New 4th of July everybody and Talk to you again when i get the time to Update

10-4 from your OTRTruckStomper

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Hello everybody OTRTurckStomper here (I;m a total Noobe) with a question about work history?

Hello everybody and soon to be fellow Truck Drivers.

My Story I,m 51 happily married"most the time LOL" with 2 great kids. was an Ironwork/welder for 12 years. 6 years ago in 2012 I started my own nutrients resale business first 4+ years of business we did great future looked very shinny But past 2 years competition has me working for nothing most the time.

My business has me doing a lot of driving up and down I-25 and I-10 from Colorado to Florida in my ford dully with a 32foot enclosed trailer gone 2 to 3 weeks every month and barely breaking even past 13 months. So time to make a change. I love being on the road I take my Son with me sometimes and my wife other times and I just love it. So becoming a Truck driver seams like the logical choose. (Im going with Schneider paid school program) I have already Got my DOT physical and passed the Class-A CDL written"I have temp permit in hand" and passed 2 drug screens. I start school tomorrow 7-2-18 at USA trucking school in fountain Co. I feel I am more than capable to pass any test written or skill that they through at me but my work history is what IM concerned about. The first 4 years of my business I just ran as is no corporation papers. I did not get Inc. until 2014 and I have not filed TAXES for the business yet. But I do have bank statements with A tax ID# atached to it with the company name for past 16 months that the recruiter says they will take but after watching videos on youtube I feel i should not trust the recruiter? I ,m beginning to worry they will kick me out over this when i get to Schneiders Orientation Facility in salt lake city any advise would be nice.

No criminal record for past 24 years (bad boy in my mid 20.s) 1 felony(Fake id) couple misdemeanors no drug related No traffic violations sense 2008(A speeding ticket 11 MPH over posted speed limit) not much trfaffic wise before that.

thanks for any comments


Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Hello everybody Noobe/Trainee Trucker here with a question?

Thanks Jeremy your support and advice really helps. My intentions was not to bash the recruiter but it sure did sound like i was.(And i want to apologize for that) My recruiter has been very nice to me and a big help as well, It's just that I have read so many bad reviews on recruiter it's just got me alittle concerned.

thanks again OTRTruckStopmer

Greetings and welcome to the forum!

First off, this post would have been better placed in the General Discussion section, mostly just more eyes could see it.

However, if you're starting training tomorrow, this is a fine thread to start a training diary in (hint, hint!)

As per your main concern there about being shown the door just after you get there... I can't say anything for sure, as I don't work for Schneider. But...

Well, recruiters do tend to tell people all sorts of things to get them in the door. But they also serve a role as sort of gatekeeper. And I have my doubts that they would get you this far along just to boot you out when you get there. Big waste of time and money for everyone included.

Not saying it couldn't happen, but I don't think there's a strong chance of it happening.

Now, they may press you for more paperwork or other verification later on, but that's because those people will be from a different department. They don't see the paperwork that's good enough to get you in the door, they deal with the stuff that helps keep you there later on.

To that end, if you make it that far, chances are they are going to attempt to work with you if additional documentation is needed.

For now, you've got a foot in the door. And that's not something that everyone gets to. So, if you next apply the work and discipline it takes to run a small business (former LLC owner/operator here) and apply that to your training, then I have doubt you will be such an asset that they will go out of their way to help you.

But you're already on the way, so dont sweat what might happen later. Right now focus on getting yourself acquainted with the training program and worry about the things you need to finish first in your class. Sweat the small stuff later!

Lots of good info here on the site, lots of great advice if you have questions, and lots of future students waiting to read about what it's like to train at Schneider (hint, hint.)

Best of luck to you tomorrow. Hope to see you around here more often. Safe travels!

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Hello everybody Noobe/Trainee Trucker here with a question?

Hello everybody and soon to be fellow Truck Drivers.

My Story I,m 51 happily married"most the time LOL" with 2 great kids. was an Ironwork/welder for 12 years. 6 years ago in 2012 I started my own nutrients resale business first 4+ years of business we did great future looked very shinny But past 2 years competition has me working for nothing most the time.

My business has me doing a lot of driving up and down I-25 and I-10 from Colorado to Florida in my ford dully with a 32foot enclosed trailer gone 2 to 3 weeks every month and barely breaking even past 13 months. So time to make a change. I love being on the road I take my Son with me sometimes and my wife other times and I just love it. So becoming a Truck driver seams like the logical choose. (Im going with Schneider paid school program) I have already Got my DOT physical and passed the Class-A CDL written"I have temp permit in hand" and passed 2 drug screens. I start school tomorrow 7-2-18 at USA trucking school in fountain Co. I feel I am more than capable to pass any test written or skill that they through at me but my work history is what IM concerned about. The first 4 years of my business I just ran as is no corporation papers. I did not get Inc. until 2014 and I have not filed TAXES for the business yet. But I do have bank statements with A tax ID# atached to it with the company name for past 16 months that the recruiter says they will take but after watching videos on youtube I feel i should not trust the recruiter? I ,m beginning to worry they will kick me out over this when i get to Schneiders Orientation Facility in salt lake city any advise would be nice.

No criminal record for past 24 years (bad boy in my mid 20.s) 1 felony(Fake id) couple misdemeanors no drug related No traffic violations sense 2008(A speeding ticket 11 MPH over posted speed limit) not much trfaffic wise before that.

thanks for any comments


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