Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Retired Navy looking forward to my next career.
Posted: 6 years ago
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While it sucks you're laid up and in pain, thank God that was the extent of your injures.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Some of the companies I am talking to wants me to have my permit ahead of time. No problem. My state, Connecticut, requires a DoT Medical Card to get permit, again no problem. So I am going to get the physical next week so if I have any surprises like high blood pressure (okay not so surpriseing) to give meds time to recertify.
Now my question is if I get my permit in CT and go to school in PA do I have to come back to CT for the skills test or does the states have to accept the skill test from state you go to school in?
Let me guess I should call the CT DMV 🤨
Posted: 6 years ago
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Detention - A problem still in search of a solution
The High way traing program on this site has a Great HoS section. It hammers in these concepts until you are ready to puke including 8/2 split as n tricks of the trade.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Ask for new trainer, or suck it up?
Drinking a lit of water cures many ailments. It's just too bad that that means more bathroom runs.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Dan, I hope you are okay. So what does this mean?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Hehe....he said voting dont matter then he says let's take a vote.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Ahh I see the problem. We are not, was never, or was meant to be a pure democracy. We are a Republic Democracy. The foundling fathers went that way so as the whole country has a say and not just the largest cities.
Old School: Yes, we will have to agree to disagree. Like you, I have friends who have different viewpoints and that is fine by me, we're still friends. But you still didn't answer my question, who won the popular vote? And what does that say about our so called "Democracy"? We live in a system more accurately labeled an "Oligarchy" and not to vote is a statement in itself about the fallacy of our so called Democracy. Anyway, I always look forward to your comments here and thanks for sharing all your experience.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Study suggest that the ELD Mandate causes unsafe driving behavor.
That seems to some odd conclusions. They used a small sample and yes of course there were an increase of service violations the paper log cheats are now getting caught. As for the increase in accidents there could be no cause or collation or it could be the cheats being more reckless since they have to play by the rules of service.
That site seems to be the home of the super trucker in my untrained/experience opinion.
Posted: 6 years ago
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I actually enjoy reading philosophy for pure academic reasons and mind thought, its just that academic mind thought. They rarely have any bearing in the real world except for maybe a frame of mind. The real problem is that they build theories like a house of cards. Every step is based on the assumption that everything else is true. And then they tend to fall apart in the light of the real world.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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1+ yr delay
I was planning on hitting the road next month, but life tossed me a curve ball.
I went to my regular doctor ahead of a DOT physical just in case so I could avoid a delay from having a bad test with DOT physical. I was worried about my PB since I had gained a lot of weight since I retired from the Navy and had a problem in the past. I was right my PB is scary high and my doctor has put me on some meds for it. He also stressed that I should delay 6 months or so so I can lose weight and get this BP in order. I am not going to mess around with this so I am going to follow his directions.
Since I am going to be delayed any ways I decide to go right back to college and bang out another degree since I still have time in my GI Bill. So, hince a year plus delay.
I want to thank everyone for their help, support, and motivation that was given to me. I am planning on lurking still, but I just wanted ty o th as n everyone here for the help you have given me.
Stay safe, keep your tires on the road.