Profile For Stella G.

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Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Werner Vs CRST

I am just learning how this business works today. I don't do anything without learning how the game is played first. I don't ask for raises I let my work ethic do that for me most new Werner drivers start at .36 cents a mile for the 1st year I live in Florida so they told me .36 cpm was starting pay, some states it's .38 cpm but I've earned an increase of .05 cents the 1st year without asking so werner is a good company in my opinion they take care of drivers who make the effort. I will drive those trans am cars to mid Ohio for the August 11 race if it cost me my job with Werner so be it there are other companies that I can drive for as well as one of the guys that will have a car in the hauler. But he is a local company in south Florida and I like running all over this nation but he will advocate for me if I lose my job with Werner. Like one of my clients once told me who was a very successful lawyer in palm beach he said " John! A good lawyer knows the law a great lawyer knows the judge!"

I really was asking if it was ethical to you guys to do this I guess.


go for it John!!! It sounds so exciting that is a whole nother adventure for you and it doesn't sound like that big of a risk if you can take trucking or leave it, I am excited for u....😄. I have 4 mouths to feed at home so I don't have it like that, lol.

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Werner Vs CRST

To all of you that repplied I thank you so very much for your help for your thoughts I appreciate ins-and-outs good and the bad Mr Brett I really appreciate you and your knowledge and your understanding and getting it back on track it was very helpful. To those of you who did not reply but I appreciate you as well, sometimes our days are so busy that we say we'll get back to it and we never do but it's okay I understand. I am hopeful that I am in a freight Lane I live 25 minutes off of I95 in Fernandina Beach Florida. Roehl has a terminal in Jacksonville but I do just live north of the Jacksonville port a lot of freight goes in and out there, I feel confident that there are more companies then that particular one that will drop and hook. I do understand the difference between CRST and Warner now whereas before I did not. I have investigated a lot of companies I am currently looking t FFE Trucking as well as Swift, and USA trucking. I believe I am leaning more towards FFE they are southeast to Texas and back. They have a layover rate and that got my attention. I understand how you're sitting there it's using your time and I realize if the wheels are not rolling money is not being made, but at least they have a layover payment that you'll get something. Between the three of those companies I see there's only a $0.04 difference in a year down the line. Brett you said to make sure you stick with the company at least for a year with your Driving Experience I will trust your judgement, again thank you all very very much. As always any thoughts or ideas are always welcomed. Have a fabulous drive an be safe. P.S.. OMG, thank you for that beautiful profile one day that's what I want, but I love K whoppers 😎

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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Werner Vs CRST

New greenhorn trucker wanting information on CRST trucking company. Haven't signed paperwork yet. Roadmaster pushed Werner, everyone says they are a good starter company, but through my investigation CRST is #3 best company based short of Walmart..... If you had a chance to start over who is your choice and why? Thank you for your time and input..... Stella

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