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Experienced Driver
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I retired from fire and rescue after 20 years. After driving locally (class B) for almost a year, I have decided to switch career paths to trucking. I'm currently driving otr with my company. Life is good.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Lloyd. Are you moving to panama city or the actual beach? Big difference in the two areas.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Just go to fmsca clearinghouse and register. It'll take about 10 minutes and you'll be squared away. It's mandatory
It's basically a register of all cdl holders drug and alcohol violations. Companies as well as law enforcement can access it to make sure you're legal to drive.
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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As a retired firefighter/emt, I just have to say thank you. I was actually coming off shift the morning of 9-11. We were held over from a late morning call, then my whole shift stayed the rest of the day after watching the first tower fall. I was stationed in northern Virginia, so we were all on high alert.
Anyway I truly appreciate you G-Town. I was saddened today when someone actually asked me why the flags were at half mast. I guess it still feels like it just happened for me.
So please as G Town said never forget.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Rookie solo driver and info on Total transportation
I'm there now. Heading out in a few. But yes they are, I've had nothing but a great experience here so far.
And I'm just trying to keep any new or prospective driver up to date with factual Information. This career can be challenging enough without all of the bad misinformation.
I always seem to be at the ATL USX terminal, thankfully not today though.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Thank you Old School. I truly appreciate it.
I was taught a long time ago that respect is earned not given and that hard work will take me where i want to go in life. I live by that and have raised my kids on the same notion.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Thank you G town.
I wasn't going to reply, but as a complete rookie I wanted other new drivers to see the truth. It took me a long time in my previous career to get to where I started at monetarily with Total/US Xpress.
Posted: 6 years ago
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I'm a rookie..greenhorn that's been hired on by a mega. So far they have given me a job, a truck and a very decent living. I'm averaging a little over $1000.00 a week. I can't believe they are treating me this way.
And by rookie I mean I went solo in December. Maybe it's the driver...just some food for thought
Posted: 6 years ago
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Rookie solo driver and info on Total transportation
Just a few months ago I was asking questions and preparing to go to Cdl school. I chose Total Transportation of Mississippi as my company, and couldn't be happier. Luckily I had a phenomenal trainer who has helped me transition into this career a little easier than most. I'm now a rookie solo driver and loving every mile of it. I upgraded the week before Christmas and have been running hard ever since.
Total Transportation is a dry can company. They are owned by US Xpress , however Total is run as a separate company. We do hire students and the company will pay for your training. After training you go to orientation for 5 days then out with a trainer for a minimum of 175 hours. When you're ready you then go back to Jackson, Mississippi for upgrading to solo driver status and your own truck. Then you're off to the open road to prove yourself.
I couldn't be any happier with my career or company choice. If there are any questions about Total I will do my best to answer them.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Burnt My leg - looking for advice (including pics of the burn)
As G-Town has said you need to go be seen immediately. I'm not a nurse but a former medic. Don't put it off.