Profile For Grumpy Old Man

Grumpy Old Man's Info

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    Grand Island, NY

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    Experienced Driver

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    6 years, 7 months ago

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Posted:  1 week ago

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Retired and loving it.

May 2024, I took family leave to take care of my wife after knee replacement surgery.

I decided that I was going to retire instead of going back. My company doesn’t even resemble the company I started with six years ago.

It was time to hang it up.

Thanks to everyone for the help I’ve received here and hopefully I’ve helped others.

Posted:  1 month, 2 weeks ago

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Million Mile Award!

Congratulations on all your accomplishments, and sorry for your loss.

Last year I hit my one Million Safe Miles milestone. However, the annual banquet and award ceremony was held this week.

It took me a little lomger than usual due to me taking time off for sugery and the death of my mother.

Oh.. and I have lost 80 pounds too! ☺️


Darrell Hopkins President of Prime Inc

Mark Fleet Manager

Steve Wutke VP of Sales

Posted:  5 months, 2 weeks ago

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Hearing voices

I had the same experience about 2 years ago. I was listening to a podcast and heard voices that were not in the podcast. I turned down the radio and nothing. Turned it back up and a couple of minutes later I heard something else. Turned the radio down and again, silence. As I turned it back up, I heard it say Goodbye.

I recognized the voice as being the Omnitracs voice.

I backed my podcast up 30 seconds and hit play, and sure enough it set off the voice command function that I didn’t know existed until later when I stopped and read the manual.

No idea why it set it off because it didn’t sound anything like “Hello Omnitracs” which is the command to turn it off.

Over the next two years, random phrases in podcasts and audiobooks would occasionally turn it on.

Posted:  5 months, 2 weeks ago

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Do I require a 'J' endorsement on my CDL A?

Towing as in tow truck

I recently graduated from CDL school. On the DMV application form to upgrade my license from Class C to Class A, there is a separate endorsement column titled 'NCDL' that has the letters 'F' and 'J,' with a box to fill in next to each. I'm a little confused and want to make sure I get everything right the first time.

Do I need the 'J' towing endorsement to drive trucks, or is this endorsement only for non-commercial vehicles?

Posted:  5 months, 2 weeks ago

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How would you handle this?

I used to keep a piece of pasteboard (think cereal box) and I would tear off a 3/4” wide strip and stick it in the receptacle with a bit hanging out to hold on to. Then plug the pigtail in. The extra friction would usually make the connection.

If not, I would take a knife and spread the ends of each pin a tiny bit. They were slotted down the middle.

Like Davy said, it's probably the pigtail receptacle isn't getting a complete connection. Wiggle it around a bit, or sometimes slightly bending the prongs will help. I've had to stuff a wad of paper or something in the side to kind of facilitate the connection before.

Posted:  5 months, 4 weeks ago

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How is everyone doing?

Try I80 through Joliet IL. I have never seen such a rough stretch of road. I spent the last year or more driving it almost every day.


Hope your procedure helps Bobcat.


Thanks! so far no change :(


The return to driving however has served me a 💩 sandwich sideways nearly every day. All I can say is potholes can go eat a rather large bag of Richards 🤬


Been through Indiana lately? I swear driving through the corn fields would be smoother

Posted:  1 year ago

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Biggest mileage week so far!



Wow. I haven’t been on here in a while. Been a little busy.

I stopped keeping track of weeks but I know I’ve had a few over 4,000.

My best month was November with 15,275 miles. I get between 11500 and 14,000 most months. February I only got 10725.

Starting to feel it though. I’m tired. Lol


Wow man those are some serious miles you’re putting down! Congrats!! That’s takes some serious work ethic to put down those miles week after week.

I switched companies and can’t go as fast now and my truck has way less guts too so I can’t come anywhere near 4000 most of the time anymore 😢

Posted:  1 year ago

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Biggest mileage week so far!

Sadly, Herb passed away 11/17/23. He was a good man, and built a great company.

Sadly, I can’t say the same for Bison.

I thought that truck was a HOW truck. HOW recruited at the CDL school I went to. Almost went with them but ended up at Schneider.

Have been fascinated by Mr. H. O. Wolding. I think he was 111 years old last October. Is he still going?

Posted:  1 year ago

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Biggest mileage week so far!

It was HO Wolding. We were bought out by Bison 5 years ago when I started. Everything remained the same until Bison was bought out by a company called (I believe) JA Richardson. They also bought Hartt and Pottles. They already owned Britton.

They brought us together as Bison USA in October 22.

I started running a dedicated route from Avon NY to Fremont Indiana in May of last year. I swapped with a guy from Des Moines and returned to Avon, 3 loads a week. He quit in August and I started running two loads to Ames Iowa twice a week. It takes my entire 70 to get it done

So I run my 11 as close as possible, take my 10, rinse and repeat. Take my 34 usually at home and back on the road.

I was northeast regional before that.


Wow. I haven’t been on here in a while. Been a little busy.

I stopped keeping track of weeks but I know I’ve had a few over 4,000.

My best month was November with 15,275 miles. I get between 11500 and 14,000 most months. February I only got 10725.

Starting to feel it though. I’m tired. Lol


Wow man, no wonder you’re tired! What company and how far and wide do you roam?

Posted:  1 year ago

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Biggest mileage week so far!

Wow. I haven’t been on here in a while. Been a little busy.

I stopped keeping track of weeks but I know I’ve had a few over 4,000.

My best month was November with 15,275 miles. I get between 11500 and 14,000 most months. February I only got 10725.

Starting to feel it though. I’m tired. Lol

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