Profile For Robert D. (Raptor)

Robert D. (Raptor)'s Info

  • Location:
    Sacramento, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 7 months ago

Robert D. (Raptor)'s Bio

Started driving in June of 1998 after finishing truck school. Started out as a tomato driver with Panella Trucking out of Stockton, California, and Button Transportation out of Dixon, California (I was still married then). In between time of trucking (seasonal work), I was an Electrician.But after 7 years of doing both, I quit electrical and devoted full time to trucking and went back to Button and drove for them full time. During winter I'd haul Hazmat Chemicals. But it still didn't satisfy me. So I got this sweet gig hauling fuel from 2006-2009. I worked 4-10 hour shifts. Monday, Tuesday, off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, off Saturday and Sunday. Then we lost a big contract with Shell and 5 of us were let go. That's when I went to Fedx Ground for eight months. After that I was to start with a start up company that had a dedicated run from Stockton to Oakland twice a day. I was to start on July 21, 2010. But on July 20th, I was involved in a motorcycle-4wd truck accident. Needless to say I never was able to start that gig. I was pretty messed up. After 5 surgeries and physical therapy, I have decided to go back to truck school and get back into trucking. This time I'm not sure if I'll go back on the road or do local again. School Starts 17 Sept.

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Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Western Express as a company?

Flatbed work out of the east coast terminal. But have seen them in California also. There pay for flatbed is about .34-.38 cents per mile. But talk to a recruiter for up to date quotes. Knight, Prime, might be a better fit. Good luck, Raptor

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Need a new job

Ok, I have no right to ask for help seeing I haven't been on TT in quite awhile. I got into an accident with another rig from Quebec. I had slowed to 40 mph seeing the winds in Wyoming were gusting to 45+. The rig infrastructure of me was only doing 20 mph, he said he only was packing 19,000 lbs. I was carrying 37,000 lbs. Then, I hit black ice, immediately took my foot off the throttle and began to stab braking. Didn't help. Couldn't go around the other rig as another Werner truck and trailer was jack knifed in the center divide and trailer was sticking out into the #2 lane (I-80 west bound). Then the Quebec rig stopped in the right lane and I couldn't stop in time. I feel if I had had a manual transmission, maybe I wouldn't have hit the tractor in front of me. But still not a guarantee. I damaged his dot bumper and left rear tail light bracket. My Volvo, the hood, front grill, bumper and radiator were damaged. I am now on administrative hold until they make a determination. I also, received a "failure to use caution in hazardous weather conditions" ticket. So if u could give ur feedback, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Raptor

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Need advice from truckers with pets on truck

I had my cat CiCi ( Coca Cola) on my truck for 6 months. she never tore anything up but once. I had gone shopping at Wallyworld and brought back paper towels. one roll fell off the top bunk and proceeded to rip the roll to bits. since I hadn't left yet I went back in and got her some cat toys. she never ripped anything else up. she would occupy her time on the truck mostly sleeping. Seeing she would sleep some 18 hours throughout the day. Her favorite toy was these small whiffle balls that had a small bell inside. she would smack that thing around.

But getting to your point. Make sure she/he is spayed/neutered and front claws clipped every 2-3 weeks. get them a scratching post or something they can scratch on. then get the catnip spray and spray the scratching post. she/he will not scratch your seats. run the engine, let them get used to it. if you do refers, it should do the same. make sure she/he knows where the litter box and food and water are. CiCi liked to lay on the dash when the sun was out. and if you have front closing curtains, she would go up there when I would leave the truck. She would be on the look out for me when I would return. most of all show them that you love them.

Posted:  5 years ago

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Harvest? Victor? Western Express?... Old School?

We couldn't get into our homepage, pay, or fueling. We called the various numbers available to us until yesterday afternoon. But it will pick up soon. But thanks for the info Jamie.


Posted:  5 years ago

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Any Western Express drivers here?

Harvest which terminal were assigned? I'm out of Bloomington. Go to a flying j or pilot, and use your active load number. It should be open for fuel. If not call your DM and tell him you don't have enough fuel make it and he should direct you from there. If still having trouble get back to me and I'll see if you give your truck number and load number, I'll call my DM for you.good luck


Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Does anybody here haul gas/fuel?

I drove fuel and chemical tankers. Both were fun to do. People give you wide berth. But seriously, it is a good gig if you want more time with the family. Most companies pay real well. So if you have the chance jump on it. Good luck Raptor

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Gross pay, net pay and Direct amount dont add up?


That was going to be my question on locks, chains a d misc stuff. But still should have been itimized for deposit. At least that's the way Swift did it. I would be asking more questions.


Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Funny Video for You

Rainy Only you could have pulled this off. The monkey bit was outraged. LMAO


Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Been out of trucking for two years

Old School is correct, you have to own up to your short comings. Now with the owner/ could gone to your DM or FM and to be reassigned a new trainer. Anyway, CRSTif I remember what was a thread a while back that they only do team driving. Not sure about C.R. England. There is also Western Express, and so.many more. But you will need a refresher course. I drove 1998 til 2010. Got into a motorcycle accident, came back last year with the help of some great people on TT. I had to go get a refresher course. It all depends upon you and how much you want it. If you want it, grab the bull by horns and go get it.


Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Ghosting Your Company

It could still bite u in the ass. It could be determined that it is an abandoned vehicle situation. Then try to get a job anywhere. If you've been at Swift for only 2 weeks, how can you say it's bad? Before doing that I would ask about changing accounts or go OTR. I n the 11 months I was with Swift, I didn't touch any refrigerated freight. So....... Be a man.and give notice. Swift has 26,000 or trucks and drivers. Do you thi k that if everyone quit because they didn't get their way where the trucking industry be? You sound like the."ME GENERATION". ME, ME, ME. YOU need to grow up. This isn't Burger King, you can't always have your way! I don't condone this kind of behavior at all.


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