Profile For Zachary K.

Zachary K.'s Info

  • Location:
    Charlestown, IN

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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    Zachary K. On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 7 months ago

Zachary K.'s Bio

As of 8/10/18 my application into Wil-Trans company was approved.

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Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Wil-Trans CDL Training Diary

Day 2

CDL Permit day. Instructor gave me some words over not studying my first hour before going to the DMV. In both a joking and serious manner, after asking me some questions it was clear to them I was over prepared. First one to finish, only one on the group to 100% it.

That's right I aced it. We returned to the facility and got to sit down in the super expensive simulators. Double clutching, and clutching in general was the goal for the rest of the day. Took me a bit, but I'm confident in my upshifting for now. We'll see what tomorrow will hold.

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Wil-Trans CDL Training Diary

Day 1

First day, tour of the facility, and meet n greet. Got to put a face to my recruiter, meet our teachers and see our newly sealed pad. Signed my contact and got my physical. It all went pretty well, was decently structured, but lose enough for adults. Smoke breaks, paid for lunch from a sub shop. Permit test tomorrow.

All n all a packed day, good place and nice people so far.

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Wil-Trans CDL Training Diary

Today has been the day, going to company provided lodgeing, on company provided Greyhound bus tickets. Writing this 8hrs into these bus trips.

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Wil-Trans CDL Training Diary

I'm going to start this Diary, Pre-School, maybe to let others know what I've experience or what they could expect from this company, and what to do before going.

To start Wil-Trans, as of right now, will want you to get your permit when you go to the school. Don't know if it is a deal breaker that you already have your permit, but when I said I was happy to get it before coming up there, it was asked that i don't.

My Recruiter, has contacted me everyday, as they do I assume. I'm under the impression that if they don't hear from you everyday you forfeit a spot in the 6 seat program. I'd like to say my recruiter has been extremely helpful, as problems arose in employment verification.

They had me download an app called DMV Genie. It's essentially a quiz app using what ever state you wants CDL Manual. It's not bad, but I still read the entire manual and am following the program here.

My current Class Start Date is 9/03 so I wouldn't expect much updates till then, just getting it started really. However I may start 8/27 if someone loses a spot.

Excited to Learn, Excited to start earning.

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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A New Student Appears.

Thanks everyone, been thinking about trucking a long time.

Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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A New Student Appears.

So hey, I'm Zach, my application to school with Wil-Trans was recently approved. So, I guess I will be creating and updating a "CDL Training Diary" when that all starts, in my down time. Don't really have any questions as of yet, pretty much just taking every practice test a few times a day, while following the guide here on TruckingTruth. Wish me luck!

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