Profile For Deb Y.

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Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Thank you!! I a7lways have those moments throughout life.. always learning..


Hopefully you will make the transition into a "prodigy,"

Just as many others who have come into contact with us on this journey. You are learning and observing as you go along, and that will continue for some time.

You'll get a good dose of reality once you get turned loose in your own truck as a solo driver, and there will be a few of those "face palm" moments come up where you will be thinking, "Man those guys and gals at Trucking Truth sure knew what they were talking about!


Right on

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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There are 3 different locations for school. WI, GA, and I believe TX. They put you up in a hotel, pick you up and drop you off for class. Pay for breakfast and lunch. Very laid back, great people.

Millis Transport was my first choice but where the Misses and I are planning to move to, (Mississippi) isn't in their hiring area at the time.

They've also have a veteran discount such that when all is said and done your contractual obligation is in the $$$ hundreds $$$ not thousand. They also got a four and half star rating out of five on the Indeed website.

The ONLY negative thing I've heard his they're family own and somewhat resistant to driver input and feedback?

But that was only one review.

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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It's true! I just graduated from Millis, going out with a trainer next week. People are GREAT! Direct TV, SIRUS XM RADIO, frig, automatic transmission.. great health benefits, 401K, etc..

I thought for sure Roehl was the best bet for new drivers but Millis Transfer appears to be far and away, much better. Better pay, better equipment, greater vacation time, a higher governed speed, "flexible dispatch," Sirius Satellite Radio, Direct TV, automatic transmissions, refrigerators/freezers and so on.

Anyone want to correct me or add anything? I'm going to call/apply to Millis either today or tomorrow

I'm excited to work with these guys; almost seems too good to be true

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