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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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So Friday I pull into my home town and park at the truck stop. Too much snow to get into my driveway. Anyhow a Crete driver had just parked as I crossed the interstate. Fast forward to today, as I was working on my truck a local cop pulls up to do a welfare check on the Crete driver and found him deceased in the sleeper.
RIP Driver
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. Flatbed division. A year in review.
Congrats on a great accomplishment.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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How to handle sickness on the road ?
Here is another little tip that has worked for me for decades.
Learn the signs your body gives you. I can tell when I am coming down with something. That day and for 3-4 days after I take 2-3 aspirin in the morning and just before bed. This works to keep t he fever down so your immune system can concentrate on fighting the illness.
Kind of like knocking it on its keester before the fight starts.
This usually happens once maybe twice a year for me. About once every 5-10 years there comes along a bug that kicks back and knocks me down for 2-3 days.
If you stay away from people for the most part you will be good. In other words dont hang out in tthe truckers lounge.
I also don't use antibacterial anything. I am not going tto create a super bug in my environment. One strong bug will not harm you but if you kill all the others and only the strong can reproduce, now you have millions attacking you
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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My last load dropped where my two youngest kids were. Spent the day with my youngest. He just finished jump school and goes back for Ranger training.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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What should I do if a company does not pay?
They cannot put anything on your dac that isd not true. Department of labor can get their attention but if they are broke be prepared to get nothing. Get another job.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Sometimes things fall into place.
Found out that my youngest son was getting to go home for Christmas after jump school. I found a very good paying load going from Sheridan, WY to where he lives dropping the day after Christmas. So I booked it a week ahead of time.
Then one of my direct customers called needing a load delivered to Sheridan the day before I was to pick up the load. Ka-ching worked out perfect.
Drop the load off in Tennessee and start looking for a load home. Found one 400 miles away that paid more than enough to cover the bounce and was light enough that I could scale it. See, I have my 3 axle trailer and can't scale 48k in a 80k state. I am over 33k empty.
Then that same direct customer calls me and wants more trucks. So when I get back and drop this load I take another one to Sheridan only to reload where I am dropping and going right back to my shipper.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Route from Seattle to New Orleans to avoid snow and mountains
Panama canal, just saying...lol
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Not a photo op but I booked a load yesterday that pays 3.08 per mile for 1400+ miles and the best part ..... It delivers in the town where my two youngest will be for Christmas.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Kootenai Falls in Montana
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Looking for a mid-size to small company
You are making a lot of assumptions Brett and white washing with a broad brush with your statements. The companies that struggle grow too fast and on borrowed money. Run the cheaper and older trucks until you have the fleet size to support the costs of newer trucks.
They break down more, bull excrement. Over the last year I have replaced the air governor, kingpins and 3 u-joints. All done on my time at my bidding except the governor. I did that in the parking lot.
Your 3% claim is an average. You never mention anymore that either. That average also comes from the larger carriers that have to report earnings for shareholders.
You want the truth, put it all out there not just the truth that supports the position of your advertisers.
I will leave it at that and wish you all well.