Greenville , SC
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Starting Driving School 1/13/2014 at Greenville Tech in SC.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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I'm starting School next month, But before I invest I need to check my National driving record. I honestly don't know if I've had 3 DWI's. Does anyone know Who the companies use to check your record and If I can access that site? Or any site that will provide my driving record in multiple states. The sites I have checked only go back 7-10 years. I would hate to invest $4000 to find out I can't get a job.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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One Of Our Own Featured On ABC's 20/20
WOW!! So thats what I have to look forward to? I hate to say it but that doesn't portray Truck Diving in a very positive light. Especially the hourly wage of $5 an hour,LOL. I suspect ABC was not showing this to persuade people to get into the Trucking industry.
But it is still good press for the industry. And has not discouraged me.
I just have to get the image of what he was eating out of my head,,LOL