Profile For RAMS4LIFE


  • Location:
    Seattle , WA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 6 months ago


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Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Question About Prime's Application Process

I originally applied in November not knowing for sure when I would start. I was guessing late January to mid February. They told me to reapply when I'm 3-4 weeks out. Once I nailed down the date, I reapplied 4 weeks out. They told me to reapply again exactly 3 weeks before I want to start.

PS. I Don't care what anyone says. THE RAMS WERE THE BETTER TEAM!!!!dancing.gif I'm not going to get into it😛

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Passed permit tests today

Well, I'm one step closer to Prime. Got my permit today with tanker and haz-mat endorsements. Passed my DOT physical last week.

Obviously the high road training was very helpful. Also the CDL prep app and Trucker Country was a huge help.

I'm pretty sure I'll be starting Feb 11th. I couldn't (wouldn't) start until after the Superbowl. Didn't want to take a chance of missing my Rams in the SB.

I've been absorbing as much great info from all you guys here for the last several months.

Looking forward to my new "lifestyle"

Thanks again everyone

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Thinking of a Career change to Trucking

I wouldn't let that be a deal breaker. Look, you're trying to get your career started. You can always get that restriction removed later on. It's really not a big issue. If you were starting this five or six years ago I would have agreed with you, but now days, just about anywhere you go for an OTR driving job, you will be issued a truck with an automatic transmission.

Read this article and maybe it will ease your mind.

Do Real Truckers Drive Automatic Transmissions?

I do see that is the way things are going with big companies, but I ultimately want to go local or regional after my 1 year of OTR experience. I would think by going with a smaller Company, I might have a harder time finding one with autos

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Thinking of a Career change to Trucking

Well I just found out that Prime switched to all automatics in June. I would love to drive an auto, but I want to learn a manual. And I do not want any restrictions on my CDL for future Jobs. Now I'm back at researching all over again. I understand most major carriers are going all auto. Any suggestions on Company sponsored schools that only train with manuals?


Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Thinking of a Career change to Trucking

Wow, thanks everyone for the replies. This has really helped me with some of my fears.

Thanks big Scott for the link to Bretts' book. How long ago was that written? The pay scale seems a bit low.

The amount of info, good and bad, that's out there on trucking is incredible. Overwhelming to be honest.

Well, I'm just going to keep studying the High Road Training and hopefully get my permit by November.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Thinking of a Career change to Trucking

Hello Truckerland

I have a few questions about this possible new adventure/career change. But first here's my story

I've been working for the same major retail company for 25 years. It is time to move on. Times are changing in retail and I am not happy with my current employer. Actually have never truly been happy. It was a secure job with decent benefits. The biggest struggle I'm having is giving up my 6 weeks paid vacation, paid holidays + time and a half if working on those paid holidays, and 2 weeks paid sick time. Not bad huh. But if I hate going to work every day, then what's the point.

I have thought about trucking on and off over the last 25 years. Never really looked to seriously into it. It was just always a thought of, that might be a fun job. But now I'm seriously considering it. I started researching about three weeks ago and it is constantly on my mind. I found this wonderful site and have enjoyed the forums and have been doing the high road training. I'm currently at 22% progress with 99% on my score. I'm more of a hands on learner, so this has taken me probably at least 8 hours to get this far.

Over the last three weeks I have had some serious moments of doubt, but for the most part I think I can do this with great success. I think I'm sold on the paid training through Prime. Ultimately, after my 1 year with Prime, I want to run local or regional. At the minimum I just need my weekends off at home. I have an Adult Son and a domestic partner at home. She is on board with me and supports my decision if it will make me happy.

Okay, here are some of my concerns/questions

I'm a socially awkward guy. I'm awful at meeting new people. I'm very uncomfortable with one on one interactions. I'm apprehensive about spending two/three months in a truck with a stranger. Is there anyone else that is like me and survived to tell their survival story?

I heard that some people have gotten fired just before their 1 year contract is up. That would suck. All that time spent and now you're stuck with the training bill and out of a job. Makes me nervous 😓. How often does this happen?

I want to get out of my Job ASAP. But I need to build up my PTO so the unpaid training will essentially be paid for. But also knowing that there is a new chapter to my life right around the corner, it will be hard to put myself through another hellish holiday season in retail😬. Also was thinking that it's probably a better time to go in January so that by the time I'm done with TNT and go solo, it will be Spring time. Thoghts?

Well crap, I'm brain farting right now on other questions.

I'll post this for now and ask questions as they come to me.


Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Hi Francia, I was wondering if you need to bring your social security card or do they just need the number? Thanks I hope to start at Prime after Christmas.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Question about High Road Training

Thanks guys. I was having issues figuring it out on my phone. Switched over to tablet and now I'm all good.

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Question about High Road Training

I started the training and missed a few questions. I was just trying to get an idea of the questions without thoroughly reading the material. I was limited on time as I was on a ten minute break at work. When it brought me back to review, it just asked the questions again. I wanted to go back and re-read the material more thoroughly, but all it wants to do is keep re asking the questions without letting me actually go back and review . Is there a way to go back and review the actual material?

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