Profile For Jacqueline M.

Jacqueline M.'s Info

  • Location:
    Columbia, SC

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 5 months ago

Jacqueline M.'s Bio

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Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Total Transportation of MS

Hello needing some advise. My situation currently is I got my CDL in September 2019. I decided to go with Schneider to team drive. Well went through all the training, which was a little fast paced for me(3 weeks total). Classroom, practicing on the yard and 1 week on the road with a trainer and another student driver. I asked for an additional week with a trainer but was denied. Everyone was sent home and was told to contact our DM to finalize when to come back to work. Well it's going on 3 weeks and I have been playing phone tag and sending emails with no response. My roommate is going through the same thing. Now I do know the person I was suppose to team with did not show up, but I suggested to team with my roommate, but no one is saying anything. So now I'm frustrated and need to start working, looking at applying with another company. I left a job of 20 years to start trucking, not feeling that was a good ideal now.

Looking at Total Transportation of MS, if anyone has worked for them, please give me information about the company. Thanks

Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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R E West transportation

I see on their website they train people to get a CDL, with no contract. Although I have mine my husband is now interested in getting his so we can team. R E West has a hiring ad in my area, just checking here to see if someone had any information to share before I call them next week.

Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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R E West transportation


I finally got my CDL on September 25, 2019. Now researching companies, I have looked at several. Prime, Transport America, Stevens and Schneider. I saw a add for R E West Transportation. Hoping to get someone on this site to provide information about the company. They don't have much as far as pay while training or the starting pay after training.

Thanks in advance

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Looking for MILLIS TRANSFER women drivers

I spelled it wrong earlier 🤨 Any information about Millis would be helpful. I live in SC and their CDL program seems really good. I like that your trainer is sitting in the passenger seat while the trainees drive.

Thanks in advance for any helpful information.

Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Millis women drivers?

For the past few months I have been researching companies to start my trucking career. I had Maverick, Millis & Prime as my final options and I’m really learning towards Millis. I wanted to know are there any women on the site that drive for Millis, if so can you give any helpful information. Also can someone explain per diem pay, if it’s a good ideal?

Any information is appreciated😃

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Millis Transfer, Prime Inc or Sage Trucking Driving School.

Rainy I read your bio and see you have been driving for a few years and I was wondering were you nervous when you started to drive solo. I'm feeling anxious about doing this by myself. I have only traveled to about 8 states, nothing out west . I'm excited to have the opportunity to travel and get paid while doing it, but feeling nervous about doing it by myself. I have been researching and seeing all the women who are truck drivers getting it done. I keep telling myself if they can do it, I can too. Do you have any advise to help me get rid of the jitters I'm feeling. If I choose Prime do you think it's good to go in the winter time, also if I want a woman trainer do I have to wait longer to complete the driving part of the training.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Millis Transfer, Prime Inc or Sage Trucking Driving School.

Rainy thank you for explaining about company sponsored training. I really leaning towards Prime or Millis. Can you give me some information about driving Prime's lightweight truck and driving as a team. How do they match you up with someone and can you team dream for a few months or do you have to do it for a year.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Millis Transfer, Prime Inc or Sage Trucking Driving School.

I have decided to get my CDL at the age of 50, soon to be 51 on 9/22/18. I have been in the banking industry for 19 years and completely burned out. I need a change bad!!! I never thought about being a truck driver before. Until I was looking at the career for my husband,I stumbled on women who were driving trucks. The more I researched,I starting thinking this is something I could do. I had the idea that I could team with my husband, but he has backed out of the idea. That's okay because I am determined to get my CDL and start driving as soon as I can. I need to tie up some situations at home before I go to training. I'm trying to decide if I should stay local at Sage Truck driving school, which cost about $4700. Go to Prime(no cost for 12 month commitment) or Millis Training Institute(about $2400 reimbursed after 18 months). I have researched these companies for weeks now and having a hard time making a decision. Any advise would be appreciated.

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