Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
Social Link:
Coyote On The Web
No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Ok , I'm a truck driver with 2years OTR I ended up getting a DUI in personal vehicle on Christmas Vacation in Florida.
Anyway It was reduced to reckless , and is now considered a 1 year prior DUI
MVR points Ca-1.5 Fl- 3.0
Any idea of whom , or anyone willing to work with me? Who are the 2nd Chance companies .
So far , I know of TransAm and MVT that from my research will take after 2 years. Traveling is not an issue , also I'm mainly based in the LA area , which I may have a lot of better luck than online ....
But any and all responses would be appreciated
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Opinions on Self-driving trucks please!
Not in my lifetime!