Profile For Packer Mama

Packer Mama's Info

  • Location:
    Copperas Cove, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

  • Social Link:
    Packer Mama On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    6 years, 5 months ago

Packer Mama's Bio

Born and raised in Wisconsin, was a military spouse. I love to travel, was with my ex husband on the road and LOVED it. I tend to be a loner, love my dogs and my family. I have 10 grand kids, of those a 19 yo grandson, two 16 yo grandsons (not twins), 11 yo triplet boys, 8 yo twins girls, (trips and twins same mom and dad), another 10 year old grand daughter, and a 1 yo grandson. Love them all. I am a farm girl, go figure, love the mountains and nature. AM not big for cities or keeping up with the "Jones'". Love a simple life. Not a drinker, smoker, or night life person. Trucking has always called to me, the freedom, solitude, quietness, and travel. Also, being able to supply the country with what they need because many do not realize if not for truckers, America would stop. Truckers keep America going. I am a die hard, bleed Green, Gold and White, Packer blood! GOPACKGO!!!! I tend to be outspoken so if you do not want an honest answer, do not ask for it. I enjoy cooking, sewing, and reading. I enjoy teaching my grand kids how to drive, change the oil, jack up a car, change a tire, etc. Cooking is what I teach them as well, cuisine from different cultures. But, now, I desire a change in my life, something for me. Trucking again. HEE YAW!

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Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Test question

Thank you all. I will concentrate on the Permit ascpect, work on the others but not stress. Concentrate on the Permit, nail that and then move on. You are great!

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Test question

So concentrate on permit than endorsements later

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Test question

I am studying for my permit and notice that many sections in the test state PERMIT and other ENDORSEMENT. The questions on the permit test do those only have the section for the permit OR the endorsements as well.

Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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A strong case for much better needed trucker security and the laxing of gun laws nationwide.

Agree with Brett, I have a LARGE dog, most call him a polar bear--he is an Akbash. NO one messes with him or me. If he is seen in my van, people walk away--quickly. They are livestock guardian dogs and protect what is theirs.

That's very sad to see, but it's also surprisingly rare. I personally don't have a strong opinion on gun laws either way, but this incident certainly isn't a good enough reason to arm 3 million truck drivers nationwide. More people will get beat up in mall parking lots in a week than there will be at truck stops in a year and I certainly don't want a ton of people walking around malls with a gun either.

High Schools nowadays are far more dangerous than truck stops or rest areas.

What I am a big fan of is dogs. I have a huge German Shepherd and no one is going to target someone with a big dog. There are much easier targets. Not to mention, people will know you have a dog long before they get into your truck. They won't know you have a gun until you have to use it and they're right on top of you, and by then it's too late, you're in a mess. I prefer a dog because they're a highly visible deterrent. I don't want anyone to even considering me as a viable target and I don't want to have to defend myself or get in a fight of any sort.

Get a big dog and put a "Guard Dog On Board" sign on your windows. No one will bother you, and it's totally legal.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Awesome site

Due to my current job situation and possible closing of campaign, I made the decision to get back on the road. I am SO grateful for this site, it brings back SO many good memories and even reminds me of the headaches. I read your book Brett and it was great! I highly recommend it to anyone, especially for those thinking of taking on this new career. I have a coworker interested in obtaining a CDL and taking on this life style. I strongly recommended this site to him. He was so happy to get this information. I love reading the stories of those going through training, those seasoned drivers and those thinking about a new career. I have begun the training manuals and testing, so far, passing the practice tests. I feel very secure in the material provided and the practice tests. This is the best thing to date I have seen to assist those in obtaining their CDL. Again, THANKS!!thank-you-2.gif

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Getting back on the road

Thanks Robert, hope to see you on the road.

Sharon H.

I've been gone from trucking for over 8 years. And I'm in trucking school now to get my CDL licence. Already have my permit, and do to test for my licence in another week or so. They haven't told us yet when we are testing.

But good luck to you and hope you get the gig you are looking for.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Bretts book

Hello Brett, I just finished your book and found it very entertaining and thorough. Loved it. Brought back a lot of memories and reminders of frustrating issues. However, anyone wanting to begin a new career would be wise to read this and get the truth and reality of the job. Thanks.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Getting back on the road

Well, single with dogs :). Not really worried home time, like van and reefers. HATE NYC who does not.

Welcome Sharon.

It really depends on what you're looking for when it comes to the type of freight you want to haul and the home time you want. Some companies have a variety of offerings. Wil-Trans and Jim Palmer are owned by the same folks and they're fantastic companies, but so are all of the major carriers.

We have a bunch of them, including Wil-Trans, that have paid CDL training programs and you can apply to them right here through our site. It only takes a minute for the application, and there's no obligation. You'll get to speak with their recruiters quickly:

Apply For Paid CDL Training

What are you looking for when it comes to the type of freight you'd like to haul and the home time you need?

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Getting back on the road

I am looking to get back on the road. Loved and miss it. Problem, need to get back to school for CDL, been off LONG time. What is a good school with a company any of you would recommend. I was leaning toward Wil-Trans, any thoughts

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