Thousand Oaks, CA
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Considering A Career
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Considering career change at 53 years old..
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Do sleepers have microwave ovens in them?
I am still considering a career change to trucking, so I cannot help with most of your questions, but I can speak about a low carb, high fat (aka Keto Diet) I eat about 20-30 carbs each day, or less, and a small amount of protein, and the rest fat. I lost 40-pounds in six months and feel great. Blood pressure went down to 110/70 and asthma is non-existent. I eat NO SUGAR, or breads. I also take vitamins and supplements to reduce inflammation in my body. I just had a stress echo, carotid ultrasound and Coronary Artery Calcium CT scan and have zero plaque anywhere, at 53 years old. A low fat, high carb diet is killing people, and creating diabetics. Keep your fasting insulin levels low. Diabetes will create heart disease. This diet is not easy at start, but gets easier over time. I also fast for 16-18 hours every day, and only eat during a 6-8 hour window. One final thing, make sure you are taking pre-biotics and pro-biotics, and eating a good amount of nuts (I chose pecans and macadamia nuts) and seeds (pumpkin kernels are the best) and it is ok for them to be salted. Salt is fine, and not the enemy it has been made out to be. I am not a doctor, and your results may vary. If your Google Keto Diets, you will see that it is transforming ordinary people and reducing or eliminating life-long ailments. Hope this helps you with your challenges...
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Choosing a company based on your home location...
Patrick, Robert and Chris, thank for the replies. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy days to provide some feedback.
I have been browsing through the company reviews, and there are quite a few, and taking some time to read though them. With being located north of Phoenix, it does open up a lot of companies to check into. After living in Southern California for 53 years, there are a lot of moving pieces to deal with when moving a family, selling a house, car payments, etc. It is basically semi-retiring. It is not going to be an easy process to work through, while working full-time and doing all the researching for everything. I am looking for any shortcuts to make the process as productive and efficient as possible. The soonest we would consider leaving is next Summer (2019). I know the sooner we leave, the more money we can keep in the bank accounts. Patrick, we were actually considering a new house in Bellemont to save some money over the prices in Flagstaff (~$30K-$40K higher). Any thoughts on Bellemont for a new house? Flagstaff is preferred though, to reduce the driving for my wife to get out daughter to school in Flagstaff.
What is going on in California with the cost of living (i.e. taxes and housing), it is just getting tougher to live here without working two jobs, which reduces our quality of life. Going OTR also keeps me away from the family as well, and it is tough to determine a balance. I know that the first year or two is going to be rough on the away time, and I am hoping with technology, that will reduce some of that.
This is a huge decision and if/when we move forward, I will be all-in (no turning back) with deciding on a new career, driving for a living. That may be a good thing which keeps me motivated and on track to complete that first year. Once you leave California, there is no going back. While I love the ocean and climate, I equally love the mountains and fresh air.
One last thing, is it still a good idea to move forward with getting my CDL Permit in California, prior to moving to Arizona? It will be good for 180-days and I can get a 180-day extension as well. Once we move to Arizona, I would be moving my license over anyway. Any idea if my CDL Permit transfers over to Arizona with my regular license? I know some companies prefer for trainees to have their CDL Permit before getting into their training program.
Any additional thoughts would be welcome and appreciated. Thanks again for the replies all...
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Choosing a company based on your home location...
Thanks for the thoughts Chris...
Every company has a "hiring area" that covers where the majority of their freight lanes are. As long as you are in that area, it does not matter if you are close to a terminal or the company headquarters.
Also, if you are not close to a terminal, the company will allow you to take the truck home and park at a secure location while on hometime.
So no, location does not matter, provided you are inside of the company's hiring area.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Choosing a company based on your home location...
Good evening all. Been reading for a while and could not find the information I was looking for.
I currently live in Southern California, Ventura County, and our family (wife of 14-years, 11-year are old daughter and pets) are considering an exit strategy out of California. It is too expensive to live here, and this is coming from a local who was born 53 years ago just a few miles north in Santa Barbara County. I currently work for a local city, for the past 13-years, and can leave today with a small pension a year, for life. We are considering a move to Flagstaff, Arizona, as we have some family there. I have already been studying for my CDL Permit in California. I enjoy driving and do not mind being by myself, as the technology of today makes it very easy to stay connected to family. My mom used to live just south of Chicago, and I drove out there by myself round trip, for several Winters, to spend Christmas with her.
So, to the question... Does it really matter where your company of choice is to apply at, when this job can be traveling 48-states? Will company schools only accept students from certain states? I do understand that having a base of operations, or a terminal, close to your home gets you home faster and cheaper than having to drive or fly home.
With considering Flagstaff, we will be fairly close to Phoenix, Arizona, which has major trucking companies based there. There are also other companies farther east that are recommended, that could be contenders for schooling and getting that first year under my belt.
I do appreciate all of the advise from everyone and thanks in advance for your thoughts...
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Plant based eater starting out
Can I ask why a vegan diet? If that is too personal, no need to answer. If that works for you, more power to you. I love Cesar salads, and zucchini, but that is where my veggies stop. I would keep some nuts (pecans and macadamia) and seeds (pumpkin kernel) around. One thing is they are very healthy, and have a lot of fiber, that fill you up. I also get the salted ones, as salt is not as bad as it has been made out to be. I would try some intermittent fasting and only eating during a 6-8 hour window. I try to eat one meal a day, and a snack. I eat a low carb, high fat diet, and it has worked wonders for me. Fat, the good types, are good for you, and unless you put them on your veggies, you will be missing those important nutrients. I am no doctor and not trying to nudge you away from what works for you. At the end of the day, just keep a healthy weight, and stay clear of sugar. I use Monk Fruit powder to sweeten up things, and it does not have any spikes in blood sugar. Hope this helps...