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Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Job Advice While Maintaining Primary Custody
I recently acquired my CDLs with automatic restrictions through CRST. Just recently my exwife, who was okay with it at first, decided that she was going to take me to court being I have primary custody of my son. Now I'm in a bind of either losing custodial rights of my son, who was staying with his grandparents on my side, or having to struggle through the depths of the Internet looking for a local CDL job. Just hoping my greatest fear isn't going to become reality and maybe someone can point me in the right direction.